The Global Covid Pandemic Response and Its Aftermath

In part 1 of this story, I discussed events leading up to the global Covid pandemic response, including the rise of the war on bioterror and the expansion of global public-private partnerships.
Through my analysis of these trends, I demonstrated that Covid was not just predictable, but probably inevitable, and that if it had not been triggered by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in China, it would have started somewhere else. Regardless, the global response would have been the same.
The following is a detailed description and analysis of that response.
The Global Covid Pandemic Response and Its Aftermath
When the WHO declared a global Covid-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, the biodefense global public-private partnership (GPPP) and its collaborators – most importantly, the censorship and propaganda industrial complex, which I refer to as the psy-op complex – had already been preparing the response rollout for several months (at least).
In order to show how the pandemic response was centrally coordinated, I will provide an overview of how it took place in different countries and how nearly identical each country’s response was (see timeline below). I will then delve into the actual goals and strategies of the pandemic planners, and show how they were implemented on a global scale.
Response rollout in individual countries
Here’s how the biodefense global pandemic response strategy materialized on the ground in most countries:
January-February 2020: Public health agencies seem to be in charge of responding to the outbreak. It is mostly confined to China, so there is not widespread panic. The public health plan is the same as always: monitor for local clusters of serious disease requiring treatment, and be prepared to scale up hospital capacity if needed. Guidelines are to wash your hands a lot, and stay home if you’re sick.
End of February - Mid-March 2020: The media switches from criticizing China’s draconian, anti-democratic lockdowns to praising them. Massive increase in panic propaganda and in calling on the public to play an active role in “flattening the curve” by wearing masks and “social distancing.”
Mid-March - Mid-May 2020: States of Emergency intended for times of war/terrorism are declared everywhere, even where there are no cases of Covid. Without telling the public, pandemic response is officially moved from public health agencies to military/intelligence-led bodies (US Task Force, UK Biosecurity Centre, among others) operating largely in secret. (Before mid-March these bodies were already in charge behind the scenes.) Public health agencies switch from traditional public health plan to nonstop lockdown-until-vaccine propaganda.
End of 2020 - End of 2022: Populations grow weary of lockdown measures, but new waves of panic propaganda focused on “cases” and “variants” lead to repeated lockdowns and a desperate desire for vaccines, followed by cult-like embrace of mandates, refusal to examine any evidence contradicting the “safe and effective” claims, and brutal ostracism of skeptics. The public accepts the necessity for repeated, endless vaccine boosters – contrary to everything it was initially told.
End of 2022 - today: Government commissions spend many months and many millions of dollars examining their countries’ pandemic responses. Every commission in nearly every country finds that the public health agencies were woefully inadequate, that the public health response in January-February was catastrophically misguided, and that the lockdown-until-vaccine plan should have been implemented as soon as the first cases were discovered in China. Covid vaccines are now recommended along with seasonal flu vaccines. The mRNA platform is viewed as an unmitigated success, and tested against dozens of diseases and pathogens. Reports of injuries and deaths are ignored, obfuscated and censored by every single government in the world.
The uniformity of this timeline across dozens of countries strongly suggests central coordination by the biodefense global public-private partnership. The way the timeline tracks with the GPPP’s goals and strategies further strengthens the centralized response hypothesis.
Pandemic goals: sustaining and growing the biodefense GPPP
The overarching goal of the pandemic response, as discussed in part 1 of this story, was to sustain and expand the remit of the biodefense GPPP – including all of its globe-spanning public and private components. Two specific sub-goals were: 1) to get the much-fantasized-about universal vaccine – specifically the mRNA platform – out to the global market; and 2) to roll out global surveillance systems, including digital IDs (defined in the biodefense context as “vaccine passports”) based on newly developed AI capabilities.
Pandemic strategy: lockdown-until-vaccine
The pandemic response strategy reflected the dual-use nature of the biodefense/pandemic preparedness endeavor: it was a biodefense response, which treated the entire world as a biowarfare zone, but it was presented to the public as an epidemiologically and scientifically based public health response.
If the Covid response had truly been based on public health, the biodefense GPPP would have been mostly left out. People would have been able to judge the relative threat of the virus for themselves, most would get sick and recover, doctors would try various available treatments with different degrees of effectiveness until the vaccines became available, and by the time the vaccines appeared, nobody would be interested. This had happened before, with the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, when millions of vaccines were ordered, paid for, manufactured, and discarded. It was a case study for the opposite of what the biodefense complex wanted to achieve.
To avoid such a non-catastrophe this time around, the biodefense GPPP adopted the quarantine-until-countermeasure response from the biodefense playbook. Although it was intended for a relatively small geographic area, and the short timespan necessary to respond to a bioterror attack, this approach on a global scale was the most likely to achieve the GPPP’s aims. It meant keeping billions of people in a state of panic and relative isolation for many months, in anticipation of the only allowable solution: vaccines.
(Note: I am using the word “vaccines” because that is what these products are commonly called. However, the mRNA Covid vaccines are a completely different category of treatment than any traditional vaccines used in the history of medicine. [ref])
There were three major obstacles at the outset of the pandemic to convincing everyone that lockdown-until-vaccine was the right course of action:
The plan could cause massive collateral damage in terms of economic, educational, psychological and social devastation, which could make political and public health leaders balk.
The virus itself was potentially dangerous mostly for the elderly and infirm and could have been handled using traditional public health measures.
Professional epidemiologists, virologists and non-biodefense pandemic planners would recognize these obvious facts, and would tell the public that this was not, in fact, an accepted – or in any way valid – public health plan.
A fourth obstacle arose after the rollout of the miracle countermeasure that did not live up to its much-vaunted promise:
The mRNA platform didn’t work. The mRNA products did not prevent infection or transmission. They did not have any other recognizable benefit. They caused a lot of injuries and deaths.
These obstacles would have been insurmountable, were it not for the enormous, globe-spanning network of the biodefense GPPP – and its reliance on the global power of the psy-op complex. With its representatives in every government’s military/intelligence counterterrorism division, and its deep ties to the global public health network, the biodefense complex disseminated the lockdown-until-vaccine plan to top levels of world governments. The psy-op complex, through its military/intelligence-academic-nonprofit networks in both broadcast and online media, controlled the narrative.
Here’s how they convinced everyone that lockdown-until-vaccine was the only way to go. Part of this occurred behind the scenes, so this part of the story represents my best guess as to what exactly transpired:
First, world leaders had to be convinced that destroying their economies and severely restricting the freedoms of their entire populations was necessary. I believe biodefense leaders and their partners in global public health organizations, primarily the UN/WHO, told political world leaders the virus was an engineered potential bioweapon that leaked from a lab. They said it posed such an existential threat to humanity -- like if you sprinkled anthrax over the whole world -- that an unprecedented biodefense response was necessary. They created scary models based on grossly exaggerated threat estimates showing millions of deaths without draconian response measures. The silver lining: as long as regulatory barriers were eliminated, and funding flowed freely, a countermeasure could be produced that would save the world not just from this, but potentially from all deadly pathogens.
In every country, political and public health leaders told lower-level public health officials and the public – with the immense power of the psy-op complex behind them – that this was definitely not a bioweapon, but it was a naturally occurring virus the likes of which had never been seen before. And because it posed such an existential threat, wartime efforts were necessary to combat it. But those efforts, of course, were part of a widely accepted public health pandemic preparedness plan.
Through its control of research funding, medical journals, medical associations and its tens of thousands of affiliated medical professionals, the biodefense GPPP flooded the zone with articles, interviews and guidelines supporting the story that lockdown-until-vaccine was not just a valid public health plan, but the only “humane” one. Anyone disagreeing was said to be putting millions of lives at risk and thus deserving of professional ostracism: loss of funding, prestige and employment. Those professionals who spoke up were brutally attacked, silenced and punished. This narrative control and bullying of dissenting medical professionals continues to this day.
The mRNA vaccines were deemed a priori “safe and effective,” and a propaganda campaign, perhaps the biggest in the history of the world, was launched to ensure large swaths of the global population believed this message. This campaign is also ongoing.
Finally, there was one overarching requirement for getting the populations of nearly every country in the world to comply with the brutal lockdown-until-vaccine plan: unrelenting, unmitigated panic.
Fomenting panic through lies and fake public health measures
It is well documented that people in a state of fear will believe claims and submit to treatment they would never accept under other circumstances. Sustained abridgment of fundamental rights like free speech, freedom of assembly, bodily autonomy, freedom to worship, freedom of movement, etc. can only work if entire populations are terrified - literally - out of their minds.
The panic during Covid was accomplished, sustained, and prolonged until vaccine rollout, through the relentless propaganda and censorship campaign orchestrated by the psy-op complex on behalf of the biodefense GPPP.
Lies to foment panic
The following are the lies disseminated by the psy-op complex to scare global populations into compliance with the lockdown-until-vaccine response plan. It is extremely important to realize that in March 2020 all of these were known, based on scientific evidence and medical research and publications, to be false:
Everyone is equally vulnerable: the virus kills young and old, healthy and ailing indiscriminately.
Everyone who “tests positive” is equally contagious, even with no symptoms, so everyone needs to be treated as a threat.
No natural immunity can be achieved: even if you get sick with the virus and recover, you will have no protection from future illness.
Herd immunity is an immoral “strategy” for ending pandemics.
There are no available treatments doctors can try to lower the risk of serious illness or death.
Covid has uniquely long-lasting and debilitating after effects that can happen even if you have mild symptoms and can suddenly appear months or years after infection. [Note: this was not known to be true or false in March 2020, because not enough time had elapsed to even test this claim. But it went counter to everything we know about the sequelae (after effects) of viral infections.]
Healthcare systems will completely collapse if the virus is allowed to take its natural course.
Only vaccines can end the pandemic.
Believing these lies made the lockdown-until-vaccine plan seem like the only one that would prevent millions of deaths and debilitating cases of illness.
But what if people realized, after a few months, that a vast majority were getting infected but not getting very sick or dying? What if it became apparent that hospitals – except in rare occasional hot spots – were standing empty? What if those lies started to unravel before the vaccines were ready for rollout?
Treating positive test results as cases to whip up more panic
Probably the most important single tactic in sustaining and prolonging the pandemic (up to this very day) was the entirely novel, entirely non-scientific, non-medical and counter to all common sense way of measuring the impact of the virus.
In every past disease outbreak in history, the impact was measured based on the number of people who got sick and died. The number of people hospitalized was also an important metric. A “case” was considered someone who had symptoms requiring treatment.
But on February 2, 2020 [or earlier - that’s the first date on which I have found a record of this], the WHO – the clearing house for biodefense pandemic edicts – updated their “confirmed case definition” to “A person with laboratory confirmation of infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms.” Based on this radically counter-medical definition, the Covid PCR test – rushed out one week before the change in case definition, and cranked up to a level of sensitivity that notoriously could yield a positive result on a pineapple – provided an endless torrential flood of new “cases.”
Thereafter, all guidelines and recommendations were based nonsensically on case counts, not hospitalizations or deaths. Every new virus “variant” was presented as equally, if not more, devastating than the last – not based on how many people it sickened or killed, but based on how many positive test results it yielded.
No statistical or real-world correlation was ever made between rises or falls in “case counts” and the number of people who were actually getting hospitalized or dying. Even after many months of empty hospitals and decreasing death counts – the public was convinced that if case counts went up, bad things would happen.
Fake public health measures to sustain panic
To sustain the public’s belief in these bad things happening, despite all real world evidence to the contrary, it was also necessary to convince everyone that lockdown-until-vaccine was a heroic endeavor requiring wartime levels of sacrifice and solidarity.
To this end, the psy-op complex inducted the public into a series of physical and social rituals that made citizens feel like soldiers in a high-stakes struggle against a fearsome enemy. Anyone objecting to the measures was deemed a selfish traitor against humanity.
Adherence to the measures guaranteed that people remained isolated for long periods of time – lowering the chances that they would notice the inconsistencies and lies in the messaging, and increasing their psychological investment in the lockdown-until-vaccine effort.
These measures included:
Testing everyone all the time, regardless of symptoms
Masking everyone everywhere, regardless of illness
Social distancing to the point of complete, repeated self-quarantine, and never-ending lockdowns
Again, all of these measures were widely known to be medically and scientifically ineffectual, if not downright counterproductive, in combating rapidly spreading respiratory viruses. Most prominent public health bodies, including the WHO, CDC and NIAID, had explicitly acknowledged before Covid that these were not effective pandemic response measures.
The most brilliant and insidious aspect of this “war on Covid” campaign was that vast swaths of the public, and of the public health and medical professions, became unwitting enforcers of the biodefense agenda – against the best interests of themselves, their loved ones, their communities, and their professional and ethical integrity. Snitching on non-compliers was encouraged. Shunning of dissenters was considered not just necessary, but righteous.
Proof of vaccination as a badge of honor
After the rollout of the mRNA vaccines, the biodefense GPPP and psy-op complex extended not just the panic about variants and cases, but also the propaganda to convince the public that complying with vaccine mandates and showing proof of vaccination was a badge of honor in the noble all-of-society struggle against the diabolical virus.
Once it became incontrovertibly clear, several months after the rollout, that the mRNA vaccines did not stop infection or transmission, and that they could cause severe side effects in some people, this was an obviously counter-scientific, anti-epidemiological, and unethical requirement. Nevertheless, the more obviously absurd it became to require a potentially harmful intervention for those whose risk from Covid was near zero (e.g., pretty much anyone under 20), the more the psy-op complex doubled down on the nonsensical message that if you got vaccinated you were somehow protecting others.
This was a key message not just for convincing everyone to be good soldiers and take an increasing number of shots. It was also crucial to gaining widespread acceptance of the idea that one’s willingness to sacrifice individual rights “for the greater good” could – and should – be tied to one’s ability to travel freely, work, study, access goods and services, and be accepted as an “essential” member of society.
This, in turn, paved the way for society-wide digital ID systems, known in the Covid context as “vaccine passports” — an important enforcement and surveillance mechanism not just for biodefense purposes, but also for the shared agenda of all global public-private partnerships (as discussed in Part 1 of this story).
Covid Aftermath
I know the story I have told in this article might sound fantastical. One of the most ingenious aspects of the global Covid operation is that it was so brazen, so extreme, and so inconceivable – that it can actually hide behind its own implausibility.
Many people object that there cannot possibly be global coordinating mechanisms of the power and reach I have described. Not to mention such mechanisms displaying a total disregard for the well being of the general population, in pursuit of their own power and control. It all sounds like a giant “conspiracy theory.”
This is a reasonable and understandable objection. Because nothing of the magnitude of the global Covid response has ever been attempted before, we have no accessible framework or precedent for understanding how it happened.
And because many of the coordinating arms of global public-private partnerships involve secretive military and intelligence operations, it is very difficult to provide proof positive documentation for every single claim in my story.
However, I believe the way in which the Covid pandemic response unfolded cannot be satisfactorily explained in any other way. And when we look at the aftermath of Covid, and the global plans for what we are told are inevitable and frequent future pandemics – not just of the viral kind, but also cyber pandemics, and racism pandemics, and climate-related catastrophes, and so on – it becomes clear that Covid was not an end in itself, but a model for future globally managed catastrophic events.
Here is an excerpt from an April 16, 2024 document, entitled “U.S. Government Global Health Security Strategy” that pretty much summarizes the biodefense GPPP Covid response, through its projection onto future pandemic planning.
Note how biodefense and pandemic planning have collapsed into “global health security” and note the participants in developing and implementing this strategy – all the components of the biodefense GPPP.
Over the last 3 years, we have more than doubled our global health partnerships—working directly with 50 countries to ensure they can more effectively prevent, detect, and control outbreaks. And we are working with partners to support an additional 50 countries to save even more lives and minimize economic losses. With strong bipartisan support from Congress, we also championed the creation of the Pandemic Fund, a new international body that has already catalyzed $2 billion in financing from 27 contributors, including countries, foundations, and philanthropies, to build stronger global health security capabilities.
And we are leading efforts to ensure international financial institutions, such as the World Bank Group, scale up lending for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response because health security, economic security, climate security, and national security are all related.
This new Global Health Security Strategy lays out the actions the United States will take over the next 5 years… Through investments and cooperation with foreign partners, we will continue to build our capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to biological threats wherever they emerge. And we will rally greater support for these efforts from other countries, the private sector, and civil society to ensure long-term impact.
Here is an announcement about the EU digital IDs going global, to ensure everyone’s health security:
On 1 July 2023, the WHO took up the EU system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network that will develop a system for global verification of health documents to deliver better health for all.
The WHO will facilitate this process globally under its own structure with the first use-case being the convergence of digital COVID-19 certificates.
The only way I know to push back against this colossal, ruthless machine is to expose it as much as possible. And convince as many people as possible to resist its edicts the next time it declares a “global health emergency.”
If you haven’t yet, you can read Part 1 of this article here.
The following four sources contain pretty much all of the information and hundreds of pages of references that corroborate my pandemic story:
Toby Green and Thomas Fazi. The Covid Consensus: The Global Assault on Democracy and The Poor – A Critique from the Left. C. Hurst & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 2023.
C.J. Hopkins. The Rise of the New Normal Reich: Consent Factory Essays, Vol. III (2020-2021). Consent Factory Publishing, 2022.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race. Skyhorse Publishing, 2023.
Unlimited Hangout investigative series: Moderna’s “Hail Mary”
This fifth source is set for publication in October 2024. I have not read the entire book yet, but the first few chapters are available on Robert Malone’s Substack, where you’ll find many articles relevant to my Covid story.
Robert W. Malone, Jill Glasspool Malone. PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order. Skyhorse Publishing, expected October 8, 2024
These two books foreshadowed Covid (although their authors’ pandemic-era writings reveal a surprising failure to make the connection):
Mike Lofgren. The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government. Penguin Books, 2016.
Naomi Klein. The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Metropolitan Books, 2007.
We were definitely caught by surprise. I had no idea such malignant forces existed, forces that actively sought to harm us. We were all sitting ducks. My view of the world has shifted on its axis since Covid and reality looks very sketchy and tenuous these days. However, thanks to the Covid overreach, I have gone from a sitting duck to a ninja panther lying in wait for their next attack. This is a magnificent post, Debbie. Thank you.
This is an absolute masterpiece! One of the best things ever written about this whole disaster. 🙌