There is no doubt that there was global coordination, in a way that was unprecedented up to 2020. I live in Australia, and I have documented the timeline of events here (at least in Queensland, my own state).
My son & his partner had a planned trip to Cambodia from 8 March, 2020, for 10 days. We discussed whether they should go, and we agreed that cancelling seemed like an over-reaction. But in the week leading up to 22 March, our PM announced that Australians should come home urgently. My son's return flight got cancelled because Malaysia was locking down - but he managed to get on another one, by the skin of his teeth, and he was one of the first to have to undergo home quarantine for 14 days after he got back.
On that Monday, 22 March, Australia went into country-wide lockdown, and the individual States took it from there.
They were talking about "The Vaccine" before one even existed (or that we knew about), and up to that point, nobody had managed to make any effective vaccine for any coronavirus, and in fact there were all sorts of problems with ADE when they tried.
But still, it was obvious that the agenda was lockdown until "The Vaccine" was able to be rolled out.
Nobody queried it. (Or was allowed to query it... of course people did, but they were discredited, dismissed, etc etc)
And even for those of us who were not terrified by the prospect of getting covid, we were terrified by the prospect of endless lockdowns and mandates...
This story does make sense of all the crazy stuff that went down, and better than any other explanation.
An underlying principle of ALL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT up until this covid pandemic was avoidance at ALL COSTS of spreading panic. For me the first tell was that this was quickly abandoned and the opposite was put into place
Many thanks for your article. A good summary. However, you should have said that in 2020 they rebranded the 'flu as COVID 19. This is a standard business procedure to sell more poisonous vaccines and pharma products.
As regards your list of lies <No natural immunity can be achieved: even if you get sick with the virus and recover, you will have no protection from future illness.>, this is in fact true as virology is fundamentally flawed.
There is no such thing as natural immunity to a so-called disease, but rather a healthy (or not) body which gets poisoned by various things, chemical, physical, mental or spiritual.
One has a state of dis-ease due essentially either a deficiency or excess or both. We are in a constant balancing act.
The whole point of the COVID psy-op as you correctly call it was a centralisation of money and power towards a one world government.
But it was also a wake up call to the sleepers, including myself who was half asleep, to fight back against the tyranny.
All too true an evil, I fear. Except that the article doesn't make clear that the main objective of the so-called vaccine was not to protect people (that was just the advertised objective), but rather to kill them.
Nobody has noticed the “elephant in the room” of this discussion: THE IMMUNE MECHANISM IS INCAPABLE OF MOUNTING AN EFFECTIVE IMMUNE REACTION TO EITHER DNA OR RNA. THE COVID INJECTIONS WERE NOT IMMUNIZATIONS. THEY CONSISTED OF DELIBERATELY WEAPONIZED VIRAL RNA THAT ATTACKS AND HIJACKS THE VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM CELLS THAT LINE THE INNER SURFACE OF ALL BLOOD VESSELS IN ORDER TO FORCE THE CELLS TO REPLICATE THE VIRUS, WHICH THEN SPREADS THROUGHOUT THE BODY, DAMAGING ORGANS AND ACTIVATING THE STRESS MECHANISM IN A DISASTROUS MANNER NEVER BEFORE SEEN BY MEDICINE. IT WAS DELIBERATE MASS MURDER. The transient “immune response” produced by the injections and ballyhooed by big pharmacy was not a genuine protective immunization. It was a brief, automatic, useless, generalized, non-specific, non-protective increase in immune activity that occurs whenever the body’s stress mechanism is activated for any reason. Its short duration served as an excuse for bombarding victims with additional lethal injections
Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what other nations did or didn't do regarding the whole Covid scandemic, but I give a whole big damn that our Australian Government did not give a damn for us and let the Great U.S. of A tread all over our citizen's rights and sovereignty. Grrrr!
George Carlin said, "you don't need a conspiracy where interests converge."
Whatever the nature of the problem, whether it be a genuine crisis or a manufactured one the answer is always the same: more money for large corporations, and more power for governments. Somehow the answer is never less money for large corporations, or less centralised government power.
Whether we're talking about SARS-Cov-2, climate change, resource depletion, recessions or what-have-you, we can say that this thing is a genuine and serious problem and at the same time people are abusing the crisis to advance their own interests.
That it is or was a real crisis does not mean people will not abuse it; that people abuse it does not mean it is or was not a real crisis. Interests of large corporations and governments converge in taking more money and arrogating more power to themselves. You don't need a conspiracy where interests converge.
Wonderful, incredibly, extremely brilliant, one of the most (if not the most) important post about the Centurial Deception! I can't find enough words to describe the work you've done here. Thank you so much!
This masterpiece MUST BE HEARD OF WORLDWIDE. The whole world must know the truth.
I strongly suggest that you gather good scientists and platforms, to support and spread the truth, likely:
+ The scientists behind Great Barrington Declaration (Drs Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Gupta). They're true scientists and had nearly 1 million signatures for the Declaration.
+ Dr. Scott Atlas, early advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
+ Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
+ JFK Jr., who has knowledge on both industry-military complex and medical frauds.
+ ...
Also, if things go well, you should think about looking for a producer to make this a documentary. That would be great to watch :)
Thank you that’s very kind! I publish everything on Brownstone as well - but we are very heavily suppressed on Google and shadow banned everywhere else so sending links personally to friends and email lists is probably the best way to get the word out.
Excellent summary (part 1 and part 2). This might be the "Untold" truths of history. Doesn't fit the narrative and therefore won't be officially acknowledged. We certainly do need as many people as possible to read your essay. We just witnessed the greatest crime against humanity ever. I had no idea that there were enough people so evil to pull this off. My defenses went up when vitamin D was never mentioned (especially because I knew Anthony Fauci knew how effective vitamin D is) and people were told to stay inside and beaches were closed. The isolate and wait for a vaccine revealed an agenda was being forced upon us. I couldn't believe that so many doctors believed that suddenly there was going to be an effective vaccine against a corona virus. I only have a masters in nutrition and I knew that was highly unlikely. What happened to the smart people? It's like their brains went to mush.
Indeed. In 2020 the world lost its collective marbles. It still staggers me how utterly stupid the masses were.
An effective vaccine was never on the cards, not just because of the short time (an obvious clue to those with half a functioning brain), but because vaccines have never worked at all.
They were made to seem to work by manipulation of statistics and incessant advertising.
Doctors by and large are indoctrinated fools. I have suffered because of their ignorance.
People subconsciously want to belong to a group in order to feel secure, and, if possible, feel proud of themselves ("I'm the neurologist of the year!"). What seems to be happening is that the more rural and so to speak less educated people don't have a strong desire to fit into the system, so they are less likely to fall for the propaganda. On the other end PhDs have enough respect for rational thought that, once an issue is investigated, they will align themselves with what the rational line of thought indicates, even if its counter to the propaganda. But those in the middle: people with college degrees, and masters degrees, MDs, etc., even though they have more capability in rational thought than the comparatively less educated, also have an even stronger desire to insinuate themselves into the system. So if the mouthpieces of the system direct them in a certain way, they go along with it; otherwise their cognitive dissonance is too great. Some -- mostly nurses, it seems -- see the light (have an anagnorisis, in dramatic terms), and change their minds. This is apparently rare, however. Most people give themselves too much credit for being rational, and not enough credit for being social/emotional. The psywar departments know this only too well.
The other thing that never made sense to me is that was it the end of 2022/start of 2023...I think so... where suddenly it was like "time to get back to normal". After two years of hearing extreme panic messages, suddenly we were told to "move on" and we had to "learn how to live with the virus". It seemed to happen overnight and was bizarre. Presumably the coordinators had met all their major goals.
It was also to see what would happen to those who lost their marbles and whether they could regain them. I collect lost marbles on my WordPress site. :)
The perpetrators realised that their mRNA concoctions were far more dangerous beyond original intent and that they had gone too far to make an apology. So they turned up the propaganda dial to try to make us forgive and forget.
I think that was part off the plan. To get people to stop asking questions. Stop looking into how bad society had been manipulated. Can't have the peons thinking for themselves! Even today, we're bombarded with "todays scary topic", to keep everyone on edge and distracted. Its an interesting place to be, choosing to go live your life, and at the same time remain fully aware you will NEVER comply with anything like that again. That the wolf is always circling the camp.
I think the ‘getting back to normal’ was a ruse to stop people looking too closely at what had just happened and seeing it for the fraud that it was … as so well elucidated by Debbie. I think only 20% of people have realised … which means we are ripe for the next round ad infinitum.
Yes, some of my friends in South America interpreted “getting back to normal” as just turning the page and not looking back. “It’s over, let’s move on.”
Also Omicron suddenly appeared. Did such a mutated variant occur naturally? Or was it released to create actual herd immunity? Was it always part of the plan or did some smart scientists engineer it as an effort to stop the madness. My guess, always part of the plan.
There is no such thing as a mutated variant. However if you 'mutate' Omicron' you get 'Moronic', the one word anagram. This was a clue to the whole scamdemic.
Thank you for revealing the truth.
There is no doubt that there was global coordination, in a way that was unprecedented up to 2020. I live in Australia, and I have documented the timeline of events here (at least in Queensland, my own state).
My son & his partner had a planned trip to Cambodia from 8 March, 2020, for 10 days. We discussed whether they should go, and we agreed that cancelling seemed like an over-reaction. But in the week leading up to 22 March, our PM announced that Australians should come home urgently. My son's return flight got cancelled because Malaysia was locking down - but he managed to get on another one, by the skin of his teeth, and he was one of the first to have to undergo home quarantine for 14 days after he got back.
On that Monday, 22 March, Australia went into country-wide lockdown, and the individual States took it from there.
They were talking about "The Vaccine" before one even existed (or that we knew about), and up to that point, nobody had managed to make any effective vaccine for any coronavirus, and in fact there were all sorts of problems with ADE when they tried.
But still, it was obvious that the agenda was lockdown until "The Vaccine" was able to be rolled out.
Nobody queried it. (Or was allowed to query it... of course people did, but they were discredited, dismissed, etc etc)
And even for those of us who were not terrified by the prospect of getting covid, we were terrified by the prospect of endless lockdowns and mandates...
This story does make sense of all the crazy stuff that went down, and better than any other explanation.
An underlying principle of ALL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT up until this covid pandemic was avoidance at ALL COSTS of spreading panic. For me the first tell was that this was quickly abandoned and the opposite was put into place
Many thanks for your article. A good summary. However, you should have said that in 2020 they rebranded the 'flu as COVID 19. This is a standard business procedure to sell more poisonous vaccines and pharma products.
As regards your list of lies <No natural immunity can be achieved: even if you get sick with the virus and recover, you will have no protection from future illness.>, this is in fact true as virology is fundamentally flawed.
There is no such thing as natural immunity to a so-called disease, but rather a healthy (or not) body which gets poisoned by various things, chemical, physical, mental or spiritual.
One has a state of dis-ease due essentially either a deficiency or excess or both. We are in a constant balancing act.
The whole point of the COVID psy-op as you correctly call it was a centralisation of money and power towards a one world government.
But it was also a wake up call to the sleepers, including myself who was half asleep, to fight back against the tyranny.
For ease of reference I extract my Covid 19 Summary (from my WordPress site). The link is also in that above.
That's an awesome recap.
They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
All too true an evil, I fear. Except that the article doesn't make clear that the main objective of the so-called vaccine was not to protect people (that was just the advertised objective), but rather to kill them.
Or harm them and make more money from the injured. Thus it ever was.
Nobody has noticed the “elephant in the room” of this discussion: THE IMMUNE MECHANISM IS INCAPABLE OF MOUNTING AN EFFECTIVE IMMUNE REACTION TO EITHER DNA OR RNA. THE COVID INJECTIONS WERE NOT IMMUNIZATIONS. THEY CONSISTED OF DELIBERATELY WEAPONIZED VIRAL RNA THAT ATTACKS AND HIJACKS THE VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM CELLS THAT LINE THE INNER SURFACE OF ALL BLOOD VESSELS IN ORDER TO FORCE THE CELLS TO REPLICATE THE VIRUS, WHICH THEN SPREADS THROUGHOUT THE BODY, DAMAGING ORGANS AND ACTIVATING THE STRESS MECHANISM IN A DISASTROUS MANNER NEVER BEFORE SEEN BY MEDICINE. IT WAS DELIBERATE MASS MURDER. The transient “immune response” produced by the injections and ballyhooed by big pharmacy was not a genuine protective immunization. It was a brief, automatic, useless, generalized, non-specific, non-protective increase in immune activity that occurs whenever the body’s stress mechanism is activated for any reason. Its short duration served as an excuse for bombarding victims with additional lethal injections
Thanks for the writeup. I learned some new things.
Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what other nations did or didn't do regarding the whole Covid scandemic, but I give a whole big damn that our Australian Government did not give a damn for us and let the Great U.S. of A tread all over our citizen's rights and sovereignty. Grrrr!
Faceplant removed as It might deceptively get too many likes.
George Carlin said, "you don't need a conspiracy where interests converge."
Whatever the nature of the problem, whether it be a genuine crisis or a manufactured one the answer is always the same: more money for large corporations, and more power for governments. Somehow the answer is never less money for large corporations, or less centralised government power.
Whether we're talking about SARS-Cov-2, climate change, resource depletion, recessions or what-have-you, we can say that this thing is a genuine and serious problem and at the same time people are abusing the crisis to advance their own interests.
That it is or was a real crisis does not mean people will not abuse it; that people abuse it does not mean it is or was not a real crisis. Interests of large corporations and governments converge in taking more money and arrogating more power to themselves. You don't need a conspiracy where interests converge.
Fantastic (and disturbing) analysis. Thank you for so succinctly explaining what happened and how.
Wonderful, incredibly, extremely brilliant, one of the most (if not the most) important post about the Centurial Deception! I can't find enough words to describe the work you've done here. Thank you so much!
This masterpiece MUST BE HEARD OF WORLDWIDE. The whole world must know the truth.
I strongly suggest that you gather good scientists and platforms, to support and spread the truth, likely:
+ The scientists behind Great Barrington Declaration (Drs Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Gupta). They're true scientists and had nearly 1 million signatures for the Declaration.
+ Dr. Scott Atlas, early advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
+ Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
+ JFK Jr., who has knowledge on both industry-military complex and medical frauds.
+ ...
Also, if things go well, you should think about looking for a producer to make this a documentary. That would be great to watch :)
Thank you that’s very kind! I publish everything on Brownstone as well - but we are very heavily suppressed on Google and shadow banned everywhere else so sending links personally to friends and email lists is probably the best way to get the word out.
Excellent summary (part 1 and part 2). This might be the "Untold" truths of history. Doesn't fit the narrative and therefore won't be officially acknowledged. We certainly do need as many people as possible to read your essay. We just witnessed the greatest crime against humanity ever. I had no idea that there were enough people so evil to pull this off. My defenses went up when vitamin D was never mentioned (especially because I knew Anthony Fauci knew how effective vitamin D is) and people were told to stay inside and beaches were closed. The isolate and wait for a vaccine revealed an agenda was being forced upon us. I couldn't believe that so many doctors believed that suddenly there was going to be an effective vaccine against a corona virus. I only have a masters in nutrition and I knew that was highly unlikely. What happened to the smart people? It's like their brains went to mush.
Indeed. In 2020 the world lost its collective marbles. It still staggers me how utterly stupid the masses were.
An effective vaccine was never on the cards, not just because of the short time (an obvious clue to those with half a functioning brain), but because vaccines have never worked at all.
They were made to seem to work by manipulation of statistics and incessant advertising.
Doctors by and large are indoctrinated fools. I have suffered because of their ignorance.
People subconsciously want to belong to a group in order to feel secure, and, if possible, feel proud of themselves ("I'm the neurologist of the year!"). What seems to be happening is that the more rural and so to speak less educated people don't have a strong desire to fit into the system, so they are less likely to fall for the propaganda. On the other end PhDs have enough respect for rational thought that, once an issue is investigated, they will align themselves with what the rational line of thought indicates, even if its counter to the propaganda. But those in the middle: people with college degrees, and masters degrees, MDs, etc., even though they have more capability in rational thought than the comparatively less educated, also have an even stronger desire to insinuate themselves into the system. So if the mouthpieces of the system direct them in a certain way, they go along with it; otherwise their cognitive dissonance is too great. Some -- mostly nurses, it seems -- see the light (have an anagnorisis, in dramatic terms), and change their minds. This is apparently rare, however. Most people give themselves too much credit for being rational, and not enough credit for being social/emotional. The psywar departments know this only too well.
Well said, although I think you may give PhDs too much credit although it probably depends on the subject of the PhD.
The brains turning to mush is probably what scared me most. I never imagined I would see that type of propaganda in my lifetime- directed against me!
Great articles. Arguably a classic example of disaster capitalism - and it's a crying SHAME Klein seems to have joined the enemy camp.
The other thing that never made sense to me is that was it the end of 2022/start of 2023...I think so... where suddenly it was like "time to get back to normal". After two years of hearing extreme panic messages, suddenly we were told to "move on" and we had to "learn how to live with the virus". It seemed to happen overnight and was bizarre. Presumably the coordinators had met all their major goals.
Maybe they met their goals, or maybe they realized they couldn’t meet them, or all of them, and gave up. Or regrouped to attack again another day.
It was also to see what would happen to those who lost their marbles and whether they could regain them. I collect lost marbles on my WordPress site. :)
The perpetrators realised that their mRNA concoctions were far more dangerous beyond original intent and that they had gone too far to make an apology. So they turned up the propaganda dial to try to make us forgive and forget.
I think that was part off the plan. To get people to stop asking questions. Stop looking into how bad society had been manipulated. Can't have the peons thinking for themselves! Even today, we're bombarded with "todays scary topic", to keep everyone on edge and distracted. Its an interesting place to be, choosing to go live your life, and at the same time remain fully aware you will NEVER comply with anything like that again. That the wolf is always circling the camp.
I think the ‘getting back to normal’ was a ruse to stop people looking too closely at what had just happened and seeing it for the fraud that it was … as so well elucidated by Debbie. I think only 20% of people have realised … which means we are ripe for the next round ad infinitum.
Yes, some of my friends in South America interpreted “getting back to normal” as just turning the page and not looking back. “It’s over, let’s move on.”
Also Omicron suddenly appeared. Did such a mutated variant occur naturally? Or was it released to create actual herd immunity? Was it always part of the plan or did some smart scientists engineer it as an effort to stop the madness. My guess, always part of the plan.
The plan was always to see how stupid people were and at what point they would wake and say 'Oh dear, I was fooled'.
There is no such thing as a mutated variant. However if you 'mutate' Omicron' you get 'Moronic', the one word anagram. This was a clue to the whole scamdemic.
Love the omicron-moronic anagram!!!