George Carlin said, "you don't need a conspiracy where interests converge."

Whatever the nature of the problem, whether it be a genuine crisis or a manufactured one the answer is always the same: more money for large corporations, and more power for governments. Somehow the answer is never less money for large corporations, or less centralised government power.

Whether we're talking about SARS-Cov-2, climate change, resource depletion, recessions or what-have-you, we can say that this thing is a genuine and serious problem and at the same time people are abusing the crisis to advance their own interests.

That it is or was a real crisis does not mean people will not abuse it; that people abuse it does not mean it is or was not a real crisis. Interests of large corporations and governments converge in taking more money and arrogating more power to themselves. You don't need a conspiracy where interests converge.

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Can anyone remember the very first pictures coming out of china, people walking along minding their own business and then hitting the floor, as if this frightening virus had just ripped through their body and killed them. My Wife turned to me and said, what a load of bollocks! Thankfully she was right, and the only time we saw people falling to the floor, was post vaccination.

I would love to see your article on every TV and newspaper in the world, humanity seriously needs a wake-up, not just the few who choose to think.

Great article, thanks for your efforts.

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Sep 17Liked by Debbie Lerman

Fantastic (and disturbing) analysis. Thank you for so succinctly explaining what happened and how.

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Sep 16Liked by Debbie Lerman

Wonderful, incredibly, extremely brilliant, one of the most (if not the most) important post about the Centurial Deception! I can't find enough words to describe the work you've done here. Thank you so much!

This masterpiece MUST BE HEARD OF WORLDWIDE. The whole world must know the truth.

I strongly suggest that you gather good scientists and platforms, to support and spread the truth, likely:

+ The scientists behind Great Barrington Declaration (Drs Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Gupta). They're true scientists and had nearly 1 million signatures for the Declaration.

+ Dr. Scott Atlas, early advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

+ Florida's Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo.

+ JFK Jr., who has knowledge on both industry-military complex and medical frauds.

+ ...

Also, if things go well, you should think about looking for a producer to make this a documentary. That would be great to watch :)

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Thank you that’s very kind! I publish everything on Brownstone as well - but we are very heavily suppressed on Google and shadow banned everywhere else so sending links personally to friends and email lists is probably the best way to get the word out.

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Excellent summary (part 1 and part 2). This might be the "Untold" truths of history. Doesn't fit the narrative and therefore won't be officially acknowledged. We certainly do need as many people as possible to read your essay. We just witnessed the greatest crime against humanity ever. I had no idea that there were enough people so evil to pull this off. My defenses went up when vitamin D was never mentioned (especially because I knew Anthony Fauci knew how effective vitamin D is) and people were told to stay inside and beaches were closed. The isolate and wait for a vaccine revealed an agenda was being forced upon us. I couldn't believe that so many doctors believed that suddenly there was going to be an effective vaccine against a corona virus. I only have a masters in nutrition and I knew that was highly unlikely. What happened to the smart people? It's like their brains went to mush.

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The brains turning to mush is probably what scared me most. I never imagined I would see that type of propaganda in my lifetime- directed against me!

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Great articles. Arguably a classic example of disaster capitalism - and it's a crying SHAME Klein seems to have joined the enemy camp.

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

The other thing that never made sense to me is that was it the end of 2022/start of 2023...I think so... where suddenly it was like "time to get back to normal". After two years of hearing extreme panic messages, suddenly we were told to "move on" and we had to "learn how to live with the virus". It seemed to happen overnight and was bizarre. Presumably the coordinators had met all their major goals.

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I think that was part off the plan. To get people to stop asking questions. Stop looking into how bad society had been manipulated. Can't have the peons thinking for themselves! Even today, we're bombarded with "todays scary topic", to keep everyone on edge and distracted. Its an interesting place to be, choosing to go live your life, and at the same time remain fully aware you will NEVER comply with anything like that again. That the wolf is always circling the camp.

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I think the ‘getting back to normal’ was a ruse to stop people looking too closely at what had just happened and seeing it for the fraud that it was … as so well elucidated by Debbie. I think only 20% of people have realised … which means we are ripe for the next round ad infinitum.

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Yes, some of my friends in South America interpreted “getting back to normal” as just turning the page and not looking back. “It’s over, let’s move on.”

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Also Omicron suddenly appeared. Did such a mutated variant occur naturally? Or was it released to create actual herd immunity? Was it always part of the plan or did some smart scientists engineer it as an effort to stop the madness. My guess, always part of the plan.

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Thank you for the thoughtful analysis. Might you consider adding Remdesivir (US) and Midazolam (UK) to the list. Requiring these treatment protocols (and prohibiting alternative treatments) were critical to driving up the “covid” death count.

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Agree those were part of the death protocols. I left out lots of details to get the overall story out. When I expand it into a book… 😁

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Absolutely understand. The plan was so multi-faceted that it’s difficult to capture every element. I think your essay is a helpful primer to share with people who start to question the narrative. Thank you for dedicating the time to compose this review!

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We were definitely caught by surprise. I had no idea such malignant forces existed, forces that actively sought to harm us. We were all sitting ducks. My view of the world has shifted on its axis since Covid and reality looks very sketchy and tenuous these days. However, thanks to the Covid overreach, I have gone from a sitting duck to a ninja panther lying in wait for their next attack. This is a magnificent post, Debbie. Thank you.

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I feel you. While staring at the heavens last night unable to sleep and asking for guidance I was told, “it’s time to change your name and step into the role that you came here for.” I used to have a leather bound book about native Americans and there was a young girl named Nalin who reminded me of my younger self. I told the stars I would become Nalin and learn native traditions to adapt to the coming trials.

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Great piece.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Thank you Debbie! Outstanding... EXCEPT, Dr Malone is a liar and part of the DOD problem, not the solution.

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Thanks Sasha! I choose to stay out of that particular debate. And I find a lot of his material helpful to my analysis

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well, wait until he publicly lies and says your husband is part of the WEF, or some other genius move like that. I know he is now on Brownstone, and that's why my stuff is no longer published there, because, reasons...

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Please point me to discussions you have had with Malone. I have not followed your mutual interactions sufficiently to grasp your accusations of Malone being a liar.

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Here are documented (by me) examples of Dr. Malone's lies, this is by far not everything, only some examples that I had time to capture. Other people did more extensive analyses.



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Thank you, Sasha.

I've followed Malone since attending the Stop the Mandates rally Jan 23, 2022. He was one of the original stalwarts against government overreach forcing the jab without informed consent. The referenced article below is the Malone I've known. It's more than frustrating that trusted sources are found to be "controlled opposition". I get it, the deep head fakes are so nuanced that experts only can parse out the deception.

However, to your point, the canary in the coal mine for me has been anyone who has taken the jab who did not have to unless life circumstances forced them is guilty of mental malfeasance. I am a builder, not versed in virology, but knew intuitively first, then empirically through research by no later than May 2020 the persecution of the Frontline doctors Simon Gold, Stella Emmanual and others that a psy ops on a grand scale was underway. Who in their right mind after the age of 30 does not question pretty much anything that comes under their purview?

Thank you for presenting facts about Malone. They are stubborn things and once having seen them, they can't be unseen. The depth of deception that has surrounded nearly any topic government has involved itself appears to be insurmountable. I try not to despair and hope the money spigot is shut off one day that fuels all this carnage of the spirit.

I checked out your art and really appreciate your talent. You are quite good.

Your "Daniel in the Lion's Den" reminds me of an intensively pensive and haggard Malone Look-A-Like. It's my conjuring no doubt, but I never stop looking sideways at something to see if there are connections, however incidental. Sorry, but just being honest about what my eyes see and the subsequent thoughts. Art, for me creates an imagination free for all, as it should.

This is an NBC News article dated Jan 23, 2022 by Ben Collins. What has happened to him since? His message against mandates was clear then and has not deviated.

Among the scheduled speakers is Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist who has recently emerged as a new leader of the anti-vaccination movement after appearing on Joe Rogan’s podcast in December. Malone, who is president of the Pandemic Health Alliance, the organization soliciting donations for the rally, has pushed anti-Covid vaccine talking points, including tweeting a retracted study falsely claiming Covid vaccines caused a substantial number of deaths. He has instead repeatedly advocated for the use of ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that the Food and Drug Administration does not consider an effective treatment against Covid.

CDC says boosters are 90 percent effective in preventing hospitalization from omicron


On Rogan’s podcast, which is estimated to reach tens of millions of people and was the top podcast on Spotify in 2021, Malone insisted that Sunday’s event is an anti-mandate rally, and not an anti-vaccine rally. Rogan said he will not be attending the rally.

Malone did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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Sep 11Liked by Debbie Lerman

Just finished reading through this and your Part 1 and I’ve no doubt that you are largely 100% correct in your theorising. Great synopsis. This entire demoralising and chaotic past few years has been discombobulating to say the least, with so many echo chambers, rabbit holes and dead ends at play, that it’s become almost impossible to corral my thoughts appropriately as to who, how, why, when etc when it comes to those who orchestrated this thing, but I’ve no doubt that we’ve entered the fascist dystopia that many of us have long suspected was sought by the elites.

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> (Note: I am using the word “vaccines” because that is what these products are commonly called. However, the mRNA Covid vaccines are a completely different category of treatment than any traditional vaccines used in the history of medicine. [ref])

Harmful gene-therapy injections, not vaccines. But too many people don't want to hear that.

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Sep 10Liked by Debbie Lerman

This is an absolute masterpiece! One of the best things ever written about this whole disaster. 🙌

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Sep 10Liked by Debbie Lerman

Covid caught us all by surprise. The element of surprise was critical to pull off the extortion of most of humanity. From the unwitting Useful Idiots (which included Trump, Healthcare workers, government officials, etc.), to the masses of fearful people. The Next Go Round ( which is assuredly coming), the element of surprise will not work. Extorting Humanity will require quietly laying extortion infrastructure (ex: WHO Pandemic Treaty) and the Fog of War. Then the Plandemic next extortion trap can be sprung.

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Thanks for this great overview, Debbie!

I think maybe the worst thing to realize is that the GPPP and all involved Covid-19 pandemic players view the Covid-19 response as a trial run. So while most of the world's population is just glad that "the pandemic is finally over," the ones who foisted it upon us are refining the playbook, creating the organizations, and passing the legislation to use the same anti-democratic measures, and worse, in response to their next declared global "emergency." I agree that exposing them widely is our best protection against a repeat.

Everyone needs to share what they know, on a daily basis, with others - even if it's just a comment about the ineffectiveness of the "vaccines," or about masks, or that half of the FDA's budget comes from Big Pharma, etc. Most people aren't ready for all you know, but almost everyone is wondering about what happened and is willing to discuss something. Meet them where they're at.

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Thanks Lori - agreed!

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