This is so important, yet nobody talks about it. Somehow the cheeto pied piper gets away scot-free from all his awful decisions in 2020. He was the one with the ultimate responsibility for everything that was done then. On one hand he was putting a show on hydroxicloroquine, on the other he was enabling Warp Speed and allowing the fake c*vid emergency to proceed
The few minutes I heard of the Dr./Mr. Fauci hearings today convinced me it was not worth listening to. It sounded too much like the "cat fight" in the House a week or so ago.
I listened to part of the back and forth between MTG, Fauci, and someone else on the House sub-committee arguing today over whether Fauci should be called Dr. or Mr. Seriously? Seriously? Is there no one in government willing to take on the national security apparatus? Are they afraid? Have they been told who the untouchables are?
This is so important, yet nobody talks about it. Somehow the cheeto pied piper gets away scot-free from all his awful decisions in 2020. He was the one with the ultimate responsibility for everything that was done then. On one hand he was putting a show on hydroxicloroquine, on the other he was enabling Warp Speed and allowing the fake c*vid emergency to proceed
The few minutes I heard of the Dr./Mr. Fauci hearings today convinced me it was not worth listening to. It sounded too much like the "cat fight" in the House a week or so ago.
I listened to part of the back and forth between MTG, Fauci, and someone else on the House sub-committee arguing today over whether Fauci should be called Dr. or Mr. Seriously? Seriously? Is there no one in government willing to take on the national security apparatus? Are they afraid? Have they been told who the untouchables are?