If Covid was a novel virus made in a lab, I wonder how many people in the world had already been infected by this virus by February 27, 2020?
Was it just 15 confirmed cases in America (as the NPR article says) ... or maybe tens of millions of Americans .... as my "early spread" research suggests? (Extrapolated to the national population, The Red Cross antibody study suggests 6.7 million Americans had Covid by November 2019).
The real or true figure of "infected" people would, of course, change the real or true IFR figure.
If ten million people had been infected by this virus by February 27, 2020 and nobody noticed any spike in all-cause deaths by this date, that would suggest the IFR for this disease was much lower than the common flu (1 death in every 1,000 "cases" or 0.1 percent).
Did anybody in the public health agencies ever wonder if a "strange, pneumonia-like virus" might have already been spreading ... in America? If it was, was it KILLING large numbers of people?
What if those Virginia nursing home residents who got sick and died in July 2019 had early Covid?
What if the symptoms I had in January 2020 - they all match Covid and I tested negative for flu - was early Covid? This would be 35 days before Feb. 27, 2020. And I wasn't the only one in my house or town who had these strange, pneumonia-like symptoms.
12.3 percent of people who visited a doctor in Georgia in the last week of December 2019 had Influenza Like Illness (ILI) symptoms - per the CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health. For what it's worth, ILI symptoms are identical to Covid symptoms.
The CDC is located in Atlanta, Georgia. I wonder how many CDC employees had already been exposed to Covid by Feb. 27, 2020. We could have found out ... if the CDC had done an antibody study of its own employees in late February 2020. But, for some reason, nobody thought of doing this.
Everything is and was coordinated, wasn't it? Somehow I'd missed this story until today. Laura Mueller linked to it in one of her Trial Site News articles and that's how I found it. I like how you show how implausible it is that certain unknown experts would produce memes that later go viral. The quotes showing the flip flop of Fauci in one day is very powerful.
Brilliant post. Thank you for this excellent reporting. You make a very strong case that 2/27/20 was a critically important day in history. I think you’re 100% correct with all your assessments. One of the things I find most remarkable about this abrupt switch on this date is that it actually suggests either a certain lack of pre-planning or at least a carelessness or casualness at a fairly high level. What I mean is: one must go WAY up and actually OFF the top of the printed organizational leadership charts to get to the people who are actually running this op. The deeply dark twisted evil mofos running this whole deal appear to crave humiliating their own middle managers as much as or even more than they crave taking over everything on earth and killing a bunch of us. Otherwise, why not send out the memo a little earlier? It’s not like they didn’t already control Fauci et al. They could have easily had all the bureaucratic assholes on message EARLIER if they’d wanted to. It’s not like they just suddenly took over everything on Feb 27. And I see no psychological or strategic or obfuscational gain from their waiting til Feb 27 to send out the memo. If anything, the abrupt nature of the switch clued lots of us in that something was very much amiss. It did start the testing of who is willing to believe whatever bullshit the gubmint says. But I submit they’d have had more takers had they started off with the more alarmist messaging; their op would have worked better. They didn’t have other things worked out either - like the obviously bs PCR test. This all may speak to something I and others have sensed and noted publicly starting that first summer: that this whole op feels a bit like it was launched slightly prematurely; like it was not quite fully baked when the true leaders of the op hit the “go” button; like they were planning to launch a few yrs later but then quickly and somewhat haphazardly moved up their timeline. It’s just a sense. But it’s a very strong gut sense. I think these mofos are messy and that most of what they’ve got is really just bad theater and then some aerosolized poop and poisons and fire-starting weapons and radiation. This war is absolutely winnable. Folk need to calm down and prepare. It’s a long grind - a war of attrition. At some point we will be able to make our move on them.
Your deep dive on the origin of "flatten the curve" is fascinating... not scientific and not organic.
This "healthcare capacity" propaganda - this graph - directly contributed to *non-Covid* deaths by terrorizing people into not seeking standard acute medical care. Drs Birx and Gottlieb were major advocates of it.
Masterful detective work! I'll be reading this several times until I can finally process it all. After 4 years, I'm still in awe that it was pulled off and seemingly so easy. SMH
If Covid was a novel virus made in a lab, I wonder how many people in the world had already been infected by this virus by February 27, 2020?
Was it just 15 confirmed cases in America (as the NPR article says) ... or maybe tens of millions of Americans .... as my "early spread" research suggests? (Extrapolated to the national population, The Red Cross antibody study suggests 6.7 million Americans had Covid by November 2019).
The real or true figure of "infected" people would, of course, change the real or true IFR figure.
If ten million people had been infected by this virus by February 27, 2020 and nobody noticed any spike in all-cause deaths by this date, that would suggest the IFR for this disease was much lower than the common flu (1 death in every 1,000 "cases" or 0.1 percent).
Did anybody in the public health agencies ever wonder if a "strange, pneumonia-like virus" might have already been spreading ... in America? If it was, was it KILLING large numbers of people?
What if those Virginia nursing home residents who got sick and died in July 2019 had early Covid?
What if the symptoms I had in January 2020 - they all match Covid and I tested negative for flu - was early Covid? This would be 35 days before Feb. 27, 2020. And I wasn't the only one in my house or town who had these strange, pneumonia-like symptoms.
12.3 percent of people who visited a doctor in Georgia in the last week of December 2019 had Influenza Like Illness (ILI) symptoms - per the CDC and Georgia Department of Public Health. For what it's worth, ILI symptoms are identical to Covid symptoms.
The CDC is located in Atlanta, Georgia. I wonder how many CDC employees had already been exposed to Covid by Feb. 27, 2020. We could have found out ... if the CDC had done an antibody study of its own employees in late February 2020. But, for some reason, nobody thought of doing this.
Everything is and was coordinated, wasn't it? Somehow I'd missed this story until today. Laura Mueller linked to it in one of her Trial Site News articles and that's how I found it. I like how you show how implausible it is that certain unknown experts would produce memes that later go viral. The quotes showing the flip flop of Fauci in one day is very powerful.
Brilliant post. Thank you for this excellent reporting. You make a very strong case that 2/27/20 was a critically important day in history. I think you’re 100% correct with all your assessments. One of the things I find most remarkable about this abrupt switch on this date is that it actually suggests either a certain lack of pre-planning or at least a carelessness or casualness at a fairly high level. What I mean is: one must go WAY up and actually OFF the top of the printed organizational leadership charts to get to the people who are actually running this op. The deeply dark twisted evil mofos running this whole deal appear to crave humiliating their own middle managers as much as or even more than they crave taking over everything on earth and killing a bunch of us. Otherwise, why not send out the memo a little earlier? It’s not like they didn’t already control Fauci et al. They could have easily had all the bureaucratic assholes on message EARLIER if they’d wanted to. It’s not like they just suddenly took over everything on Feb 27. And I see no psychological or strategic or obfuscational gain from their waiting til Feb 27 to send out the memo. If anything, the abrupt nature of the switch clued lots of us in that something was very much amiss. It did start the testing of who is willing to believe whatever bullshit the gubmint says. But I submit they’d have had more takers had they started off with the more alarmist messaging; their op would have worked better. They didn’t have other things worked out either - like the obviously bs PCR test. This all may speak to something I and others have sensed and noted publicly starting that first summer: that this whole op feels a bit like it was launched slightly prematurely; like it was not quite fully baked when the true leaders of the op hit the “go” button; like they were planning to launch a few yrs later but then quickly and somewhat haphazardly moved up their timeline. It’s just a sense. But it’s a very strong gut sense. I think these mofos are messy and that most of what they’ve got is really just bad theater and then some aerosolized poop and poisons and fire-starting weapons and radiation. This war is absolutely winnable. Folk need to calm down and prepare. It’s a long grind - a war of attrition. At some point we will be able to make our move on them.
Amazing work, Debbie.
Your deep dive on the origin of "flatten the curve" is fascinating... not scientific and not organic.
This "healthcare capacity" propaganda - this graph - directly contributed to *non-Covid* deaths by terrorizing people into not seeking standard acute medical care. Drs Birx and Gottlieb were major advocates of it.
Mission accomplished.
Impressive. Your analysis posts detailing decision-making responsibility/opportunity/motive deserve much wider circulation.
The best and most significant articles often "reach" very few people. Call me a cynic, but I think this might be by design.
Appreciate your support and wish this info was reaching a broader audience!
Masterful detective work! I'll be reading this several times until I can finally process it all. After 4 years, I'm still in awe that it was pulled off and seemingly so easy. SMH
Thanks Mary Ann!