I think I mentioned this point about NL to you somewhere in 2024 (probably in the Brownstone comments section) and I am glad you managed to dig deeper. I am really curious about what the NATO Treaty obligations are which Fleur Agema mentions, that would have necessitated installing the counter-terrorist agency and the Dutch intelligence services as the folks driving the pandemic response. If there truly are such obligations, then the whole whoopla about the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the amended IHR is completely misguided; it's the NATO Treaty that needs to be sanitized (or if Trump gets his way, revoked).

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Thanks Debbie for continuing your great work. Looks more and more likely that the Empire did indeed view "the pandemic" as a tool for achieving its political aims, and a big part of that was to emphasize the pandemic as a way to get Trump out of office. I am no fan of Trump but I felt that this was part of the agenda from early 2020 onwards, and no it's not ok to fuck with billions of peoples' lives, and force vaccines on them, in order to get a president opposed to NATO and forever wars out of office. I look forward to your book putting it all together.

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So, let’s go with your argument and accept that the DoD and western intelligence apparatchiks were behind the planning and execution of the scamdemic. (Your journalism is compelling). Knowing that military-types are philosophically utilitarians, we can surmise that their motivation was to test the viability of either offensive or defensive bio-warfare in the only way that could provide a trustworthy result: experimenting on your own populations. Now that a few years have passed and all stations have had a chance to report back to headquarters, what would we expect from their final cost/benefit analysis? Would it be something akin to the cost/benefit analysis of a thermonuclear exchange—lose/lose?

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Sounds familiar 🤔

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Hi Debbie - how do I not have your contact information? I would LOVE to get you on my show this week or next on this topic

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Hi Shannon! I would LOVE to be on your show - what an honor!! I'll message you my contact info.

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Very helpful and clear, thank you.

Re "Let’s first vaccinate the entire population, and then afterwards let’s learn whether the stuff helps or harms. That was the plan, and that’s how it was implemented."

I have been saying for some time that the whole thing was a cunning plan to expose once and for all to the wise that vaccines have only/can only ever harm if anything.


The favouring of Biden was to expose particularly the destructive forces in the USA behind the evil pharmaceutical agenda.

The 15th March was the Ides of March of which one should beware. Lockdowns arrived shortly after.


And then came April Fool's Day. The day is still ongoing after more than four years.


My observations on timeline.


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I don't know that much about this - did the same thing happen in Israel?

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Here is some of Dr. Homburg’s testimony regarding what the RKI Leak says about the German government’s Covid vaccine policy:

We read the following in April of 2020: “There is currently no experience with RNA and DNA vaccines, EMA [European Medicines Agency] and Phizer are considering whether to skip phase 3 trials.”

Two weeks later: “A number of vaccines will become available that have been tested in quick succession. Relevant data will be collected post-marketing.” Put differently: <<<<<<<<<Let’s first vaccinate the entire population, and then afterwards let’s learn whether the stuff helps or harms. That was the plan, and that’s how it was implemented.>>>>>>>>>>>


On 27 December, 2020 vaccination started in Germany. On 8 January, 2021, in the very early phase we read: “Vaccine effectiveness is not yet known. The duration of protection is also unknown.” That just repeats what we could read in the EMA approval, namely, that only protection from a positive PCR test was really confirmed. Everything else like protection from severe illnesses, death and the like was not confirmed in the admission [approval] process.

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COVID 19 is a psyop pure and simple. Virology is fundamentally flawed. Whatever they make in labs it is not viruses in the modern use of the term but the original, 'poison, slime, venom.' Vaccines fit the bill.

The flip-flopping between natural and lab origins has always been a red herring to the truth that the dangers lie in the vaccines which the medical industrial complex creates. It scares people into believing in microscopic viruses which only they can see under an electron microscope.

Scaring people makes then run to those they trust, or used to trust, the doctors who will gladly jab them for a fee, paid for by the government on taxpayers' behalf if necessary.


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Thanks so much for this link Jim. I had not seen your work before -- you've added so much important info to the origins investigation. Did you notice when Redfield said in his interview with Cuomo: "This lab was involved in dual use research. This lab was trying to develop a vaccine vector that could be used to vaccinate the Chinese military and the Chinese people and maybe the world in general"?

I was going to write an article about how, if Redfield was right, then the Covid mRNA shots were "vaccines against vaccines." But I couldn't get any of the virologists/molecular biologists I know to look into it enough to either verify or deny.

Whatever research they were all doing: in China, in various places in the US, etc. it is all insane and obviously needs to stop.

But here's the kicker: even without GoF research, the global pandemic industrial complex would have found a reason to instigate, implement and perpetuate the lockdown-until-vaccine "pandemic response." And the same infrastructure consisting of military/intelligence alliances coordinating the global response and controlling the narrative can be used for a whole host of "emergencies," not just pandemics. It's all in place for the next catastrophe.

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Agreed, Redfield is close, so I sent him a copy of the book:


Interview with Dr McCullough:


Dr Deepak summarized it just like you, a vaccine against a vaccine:


The same people that created the animal vaccine called Covid, also created the 070 mRNA human vaccine patent (dual use research):


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Thank you for all of this - I will share as widely as possible.

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Put simply it was WEF extortion racket.

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"He explains that “she was opposed to vaccine mandates and lockdowns, with a loud voice in the Dutch parliament. But since she became the Minister of Health back in July 2024, she clearly changed her mind, saying that she follows orders from the NCTV based on NATO obligations.”"

She would never have become the Dutch minister of health if she hadn't changed her mind. In other words, she needs to be hung on an equal level as everyone else who "just followes orders".

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I read this with great interest, thank you.

PS For those who haven't seen the videos, or who don't do video, two related transcripts, from a while back:

# #

Yale U Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch's Delaware Talk on "Three Years to Flatten the Earth"

"I'm going to describe the pandemic in one easy to understand sentence. NIH and the Department of Defense funded dangerous, prohibited gain-of-function virus research, the engineered virus escaped from the lab, the DOD claimed that it was a bioweapon and it seized control to assert military not public health management of the pandemic, then DOD covered up the cause of the pandemic, suppressed early treatments, and forced this toxic, weakly effective vaccine, so-called vaccine, onto the population as a wartime countermeasure, not, it's not as a treatment, and without informed consent, and then hundreds of thousands of Americans subsequently died or got injured a result."

TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/190515.html

Source video:

"Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD"

Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 15, 2023


# #

Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament Covid Summit: "What do we want humanity to look like?"

"This was premeditated domestic terrorism stated at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2015, published in front of them. This is, this is an act of biological and chemical warfare perpetrated on the human race. And it was admitted to in writing that this was a financial heist and a financial fraud."

TRANSCRIPT: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97438.html

Source video:

Dr. David Martin at the European Parliament (with slides)


International COVID Summit III, European Parliament, Brussels, May 3, 2023


Backup clips of Dr. David Martin's presentation:

without slides:


with slides:


[screenshot and screenshots of slides]

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In Canada, the national citizens inquiry received testimony from the pre-pandemic, military-medical personnel who were responsible for pandemic preparedness and ready to go into action assuming there’s an actual pandemic. But those experts were laid off after years of training and preparation so that the government could undertake another kind of political and military lockdown. It is disconcerning, there’s evidence presented by outspoken and thoughtful Australian representatives in parliament, to note that the whole thing was planned and agreed upon in 2010 by the five eyes nations led by the USA. Censorship via Google and Facebook etc shadow ban these facts.

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WHO needs fiction books like Glancys in these polit-crime times?

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I stopped reading Robert Ludlum's Bourn trilogy half way through in 2006 when I understood that I had been lied to with regards to the events of 9/11/2001.

Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."

We sure as hell are.

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With a body count in excess of 40 million, not in our interests is under statement on military grade takedown

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Unfortunately, the wake up call happened to only a few who smelt a rat. The majority are asleep and remain comatosed to this day. I fear they could repeat the process tomorrow and the result would be the same.

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Of all the people I know, I am the only person who did not get vaxxed. Very few people here in Norway question what was done in the aftermath of 3/11/2020, let alone see through the male bovine fecal matter that the wole project was.

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