I do think that MAHA is purely a distraction from the worst crimes against humanity ever: Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan, and the mandates to inject mRNA poison to keep one's job or place as a student.
But I also think Elon is basically a good guy, and DOGE is doing important and useful work. Though nothing is nearly as important as:
- banning all mRNA jabs immediately and permanently
- hanging everyone involved in creating the virus, especially Fauci
Even just talking about hanging them helps to protect us all. Literally nothing else can even begin to get their attention. They are laughing at us all right now on top of the piles of money they got for murdering millions with mRNA, especially Fauci, Bourla, and Bancel.
Seems RFKJ’s very first act as Sec of HHS is to revamp the “VAERS” system to accurately report all vaccine side effects… Not to be naive at this point, but it seems to be a step in the right direction. To me anyways.
What you are describing here is called a stand-down psyop. It's like the famous Q, or its grandfather, Operation Trust ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trust ). "Our" people are in charge, so relax and trust them, and don't look at how they are infringing the Bill of Rights, and how they are eschewing responsibility from what happened in 2020!
It may be worth looking how the original Tea Party movement was subverted from within and attacked from without. Same game plan from the megalomaniac elites now. It pays to keep up scrutiny and skepticism disciplining our view of everyone and everything indefinitely. Leave passion out of our patient deliberations over this or that and expose the moves of the self appointed global leadership as they will reveal themselves for what they are.
As a new subscriber I want to thank you for being who you are and that you were able to escape the hive. You apparently have come to that crossroad on the right where you either drink the kool-aid, or kept outside. Here's the rub. That line you've come across isn't the right. It's republican amd they are more evil than what they say about democrats. I loathe Republicans. I hate democrats. I do respect democrats in that they do what they tell you they are going to do which leave me differing purely on a politically. Ideological level. Republicans will use subterfuge and deceit to fool you into thinking you are on the same side. I liken this to that both democrats and Republicans want a draconian totalitarian one word government but on party wants to sprint to it whole the other wants to slow walk into it so by time we are there and realize it, you have no choice but to accept it.
That you wrote about this new dilemma publicly tells me that you're mature enough to see it's fallacy. This same thing happened to me when our illustrious traitors were arguing over whether or not to vote on whether or not to bring the Patriot Act to a full vote to elevate the bill to have the president sign into law. See congress will spend enormous amounts of time debating g whether or not to call a vote on and given topic. If yes, the debate starts over again but whatever the topic is the second vote is usually the one that may hit you in the wallet. Anyway, the patriot act. While they were debating this it was released to the public to read which is how it's supposed to be done. Unlike now since the ACA was being discussed. We'll I happened to actually read the full thing over three nights while taking copious amounts of notes. Until I got to the part where involuntary personal surveillance was talked about and the technology that was discussed was chipping. The subcutaneous microchipping of every American citizen in order to be able to conduct commerce and that it would be the way to determine if you were a good citizen was that you had a chip. It was giving a good deal of explanation in this 1500 pages plus bill. Well that's mandatory. It was never removed from the bill when it was voted on and then signed into law. Wtf???? That was my black pill moment. Now you have yours with the open hypocrisy of the right.
Well sister, here's what you do. It doesn't matter which side politically you're on. It's this. Are you American or not? Are you open to hearing my ideas on how this country should be run and open enough to think about how my ideas could be implemented that would either augment you ideas or replace your ideas or be replaced by your ideas and be able to argue as to why for or against and still be able to hang out after? If this is you then hammer those you know harder than those across the aisle because we are their goddamn boss and their accountability is paramount and we are those who hold them to that.
Ahai , thank you for the three lost recent posts which is where I entered your story at least now I know im not one a tiny group of former Republicans. Apparently this happe s to democrats as well.
I absolutely agree and I hope more people realize the head in the sand routine continues.
I am optimistic though because I don’t think Trump is around anymore. I think this is still a show only slightly rearranged. I think we will see him officially declared gone soon but if course then we have Vance. This should create more awakening or I hope so.
This is a tricky period, where we are waiting to see which direction the Trump administration, and the larger conservative/Trumpist establishment, will go. I agree with others here who say that we may have six months to wait.
And alas, while my BRAIN and LOGIC say: "MAGA will not be so dumb as to betray real MAHA!" and "Events will force silent conservatives to speak!" as I detailed in a piece called "2025, Supservatives, 2025," https://substack.com/home/post/p-154346460 I am presently getting very bad readings from my GUT, from my SPIDEY-SENSE.
Don’t hold your breath…because it’s likely that ‘“the real MAHA” will be betrayed by MAGA. The conversation about the C*V*D Jabs, and the harm and injury vaccines in general, cause and are causing, is not even in the picture. Trump doesn’t want to touch his Operation Warp Speed agenda with a 100 foot pole!
And now that Ms. Lerman has come out with the goods, in The C*V*D Dossier that the “Plandemic” was one giant global bioterrorism ‘psy-op’ conducted by our very own government, to clear the planet of a few million “useless eaters and parasitic users of the system”.
What is it going to take to end the symbiotic relationships the DOD, Big Pharma, the ‘Modern Medical Healthcare Delivery System’, and the Healthcare Insurance companies have with each other, and the control they have on the people of America?
I can see where you’re coming from. I have to say though that I shed tears of joy when RFK JR joined Trump. I love what RFK stands for and I don’t think he could have won the election. That being said, I’m praying he is going to be put in a position to really make a difference, in a big way. I know there hasn’t been a lot of discussion about Covid vaccine of late. I have wondered if that was on purpose to get him in position. He’s facing so much opposition right now. If he would have been out making waves, I think it would have weakened his position. It’s such a crazy situation. He is going up against people who are getting rich off us being sick (and/or dying). They have and are going to be playing dirty and there has to be a game plan.
Thank you for your honesty and declaration of where you stand. I am also pleased you have moved away from a Progressive left position.
You are spot on about the Technocracy takeover.
The Progressive left need to move their goal posts as they become exposed. They create a new veil continuously and have to continuously reinvent themselves, it is how they survive as Marxists and Eugenicists. Because that is what they are in reality Marxists who are, all collectivist socialist at heart and are Totalitarians. I think John Waters called them the The Combine from the 1962 novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Remember the Progressives hate Trump, yes he has many weakness and is bombastic, but he is still human. One must realise he doesn't have to do what he does, he has enough resources to retire and enjoy his hard earned money if he so chooses to. I too think he was once progressive but has seen the light and has decided to shine it on the technocratic swamp.
RFK Jr did not have a chance in hell to get his foot into Washington as President. Tomorrow he will be interviewed to be the Chief of HHS. Sometimes, you use your opponents to get to where you want. RFK Jr. probably did not want to be president but wanted to make changes in the public health agencies. He got what he wanted. I for sure am thrilled he got this close to getting in and hopefully, will soon be sworn in as the top guy in HHS!
I do think that MAHA is purely a distraction from the worst crimes against humanity ever: Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan, and the mandates to inject mRNA poison to keep one's job or place as a student.
But I also think Elon is basically a good guy, and DOGE is doing important and useful work. Though nothing is nearly as important as:
- banning all mRNA jabs immediately and permanently
- hanging everyone involved in creating the virus, especially Fauci
- hanging everyone who mandated the mRNA:
Even just talking about hanging them helps to protect us all. Literally nothing else can even begin to get their attention. They are laughing at us all right now on top of the piles of money they got for murdering millions with mRNA, especially Fauci, Bourla, and Bancel.
Seems RFKJ’s very first act as Sec of HHS is to revamp the “VAERS” system to accurately report all vaccine side effects… Not to be naive at this point, but it seems to be a step in the right direction. To me anyways.
What you are describing here is called a stand-down psyop. It's like the famous Q, or its grandfather, Operation Trust ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Trust ). "Our" people are in charge, so relax and trust them, and don't look at how they are infringing the Bill of Rights, and how they are eschewing responsibility from what happened in 2020!
It may be worth looking how the original Tea Party movement was subverted from within and attacked from without. Same game plan from the megalomaniac elites now. It pays to keep up scrutiny and skepticism disciplining our view of everyone and everything indefinitely. Leave passion out of our patient deliberations over this or that and expose the moves of the self appointed global leadership as they will reveal themselves for what they are.
I'm new here. Beautiful writing. I've had a similar experience.
I am now reading the Dossier. Thank you for your work on this project!!! You are a heroine.
Thank Heavens you woke up!!!
Trump, Musk and RFK never had a moral compass. Debbie Lerman is spot on.
As a new subscriber I want to thank you for being who you are and that you were able to escape the hive. You apparently have come to that crossroad on the right where you either drink the kool-aid, or kept outside. Here's the rub. That line you've come across isn't the right. It's republican amd they are more evil than what they say about democrats. I loathe Republicans. I hate democrats. I do respect democrats in that they do what they tell you they are going to do which leave me differing purely on a politically. Ideological level. Republicans will use subterfuge and deceit to fool you into thinking you are on the same side. I liken this to that both democrats and Republicans want a draconian totalitarian one word government but on party wants to sprint to it whole the other wants to slow walk into it so by time we are there and realize it, you have no choice but to accept it.
That you wrote about this new dilemma publicly tells me that you're mature enough to see it's fallacy. This same thing happened to me when our illustrious traitors were arguing over whether or not to vote on whether or not to bring the Patriot Act to a full vote to elevate the bill to have the president sign into law. See congress will spend enormous amounts of time debating g whether or not to call a vote on and given topic. If yes, the debate starts over again but whatever the topic is the second vote is usually the one that may hit you in the wallet. Anyway, the patriot act. While they were debating this it was released to the public to read which is how it's supposed to be done. Unlike now since the ACA was being discussed. We'll I happened to actually read the full thing over three nights while taking copious amounts of notes. Until I got to the part where involuntary personal surveillance was talked about and the technology that was discussed was chipping. The subcutaneous microchipping of every American citizen in order to be able to conduct commerce and that it would be the way to determine if you were a good citizen was that you had a chip. It was giving a good deal of explanation in this 1500 pages plus bill. Well that's mandatory. It was never removed from the bill when it was voted on and then signed into law. Wtf???? That was my black pill moment. Now you have yours with the open hypocrisy of the right.
Well sister, here's what you do. It doesn't matter which side politically you're on. It's this. Are you American or not? Are you open to hearing my ideas on how this country should be run and open enough to think about how my ideas could be implemented that would either augment you ideas or replace your ideas or be replaced by your ideas and be able to argue as to why for or against and still be able to hang out after? If this is you then hammer those you know harder than those across the aisle because we are their goddamn boss and their accountability is paramount and we are those who hold them to that.
Ahai , thank you for the three lost recent posts which is where I entered your story at least now I know im not one a tiny group of former Republicans. Apparently this happe s to democrats as well.
I absolutely agree and I hope more people realize the head in the sand routine continues.
I am optimistic though because I don’t think Trump is around anymore. I think this is still a show only slightly rearranged. I think we will see him officially declared gone soon but if course then we have Vance. This should create more awakening or I hope so.
This is a tricky period, where we are waiting to see which direction the Trump administration, and the larger conservative/Trumpist establishment, will go. I agree with others here who say that we may have six months to wait.
And alas, while my BRAIN and LOGIC say: "MAGA will not be so dumb as to betray real MAHA!" and "Events will force silent conservatives to speak!" as I detailed in a piece called "2025, Supservatives, 2025," https://substack.com/home/post/p-154346460 I am presently getting very bad readings from my GUT, from my SPIDEY-SENSE.
Don’t hold your breath…because it’s likely that ‘“the real MAHA” will be betrayed by MAGA. The conversation about the C*V*D Jabs, and the harm and injury vaccines in general, cause and are causing, is not even in the picture. Trump doesn’t want to touch his Operation Warp Speed agenda with a 100 foot pole!
And now that Ms. Lerman has come out with the goods, in The C*V*D Dossier that the “Plandemic” was one giant global bioterrorism ‘psy-op’ conducted by our very own government, to clear the planet of a few million “useless eaters and parasitic users of the system”.
What is it going to take to end the symbiotic relationships the DOD, Big Pharma, the ‘Modern Medical Healthcare Delivery System’, and the Healthcare Insurance companies have with each other, and the control they have on the people of America?
I can see where you’re coming from. I have to say though that I shed tears of joy when RFK JR joined Trump. I love what RFK stands for and I don’t think he could have won the election. That being said, I’m praying he is going to be put in a position to really make a difference, in a big way. I know there hasn’t been a lot of discussion about Covid vaccine of late. I have wondered if that was on purpose to get him in position. He’s facing so much opposition right now. If he would have been out making waves, I think it would have weakened his position. It’s such a crazy situation. He is going up against people who are getting rich off us being sick (and/or dying). They have and are going to be playing dirty and there has to be a game plan.
Well, if there is a ‘game plan’ they (Trump, RFK J and company) are keeping it “close to the vest”, as they say.
Thank you for your honesty and declaration of where you stand. I am also pleased you have moved away from a Progressive left position.
You are spot on about the Technocracy takeover.
The Progressive left need to move their goal posts as they become exposed. They create a new veil continuously and have to continuously reinvent themselves, it is how they survive as Marxists and Eugenicists. Because that is what they are in reality Marxists who are, all collectivist socialist at heart and are Totalitarians. I think John Waters called them the The Combine from the 1962 novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Remember the Progressives hate Trump, yes he has many weakness and is bombastic, but he is still human. One must realise he doesn't have to do what he does, he has enough resources to retire and enjoy his hard earned money if he so chooses to. I too think he was once progressive but has seen the light and has decided to shine it on the technocratic swamp.
So you would rather Kennedy be pure (no part of republicans) and not succeed, than have him be part of MAGA and have the power to achieve your goals?
RFK Jr did not have a chance in hell to get his foot into Washington as President. Tomorrow he will be interviewed to be the Chief of HHS. Sometimes, you use your opponents to get to where you want. RFK Jr. probably did not want to be president but wanted to make changes in the public health agencies. He got what he wanted. I for sure am thrilled he got this close to getting in and hopefully, will soon be sworn in as the top guy in HHS!