So you would rather Kennedy be pure (no part of republicans) and not succeed, than have him be part of MAGA and have the power to achieve your goals?

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RFK Jr did not have a chance in hell to get his foot into Washington as President. Tomorrow he will be interviewed to be the Chief of HHS. Sometimes, you use your opponents to get to where you want. RFK Jr. probably did not want to be president but wanted to make changes in the public health agencies. He got what he wanted. I for sure am thrilled he got this close to getting in and hopefully, will soon be sworn in as the top guy in HHS!

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I think this is so on tract I didn't have the words to express it, so well done your 100 % on it.

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Not many like you came around. I lost a marriage because of it. She worked for NIST. She was a grad degreed Government manager. Very difficult. She thinks I’m wacked😂😂

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Yes, the longer we are awake to how those who control systems and people operate, the more likely we are to catch the endless ways in which good intentions and actions are diverted and manipulated. It’s not to say that many individuals are a part of this manipulation, but that those who make it their job to do so have the power to cause many people to unknowingly give away their power.

No matter what we each know or think we know about all the madness in the world, I’ve found a few keys we can always apply. 1) Divide and conquer is a key tactic. If you’re being herded into a “side” refuse to take one and remain an independent thinker beyond sides. 2) Diversion of powerful movements (typically for unity, peace, or taking power from industry or government) is often handled by funneling (as described in this article). For example, if you want to stop the harm to water, soils and air, instead just lump everything into a phrase such as climate change and then believe the narratives that are made for you around carbon or whatever, and believe it’s too big for you, but is being handled as well as can be expected by a centralized organization. This is what I presume the author is getting at in this article.

To me, RFK Jr has already been as successful as we can ask any one person to be. He got the toxic Hudson River cleaned up, founded an organization (Children’s Health Defense) that has been a beacon of truth, wrote books on the truth of Fauci and more, and finally broke through the suppression to be heard on food system corruption.

Everyone else has to do their part. The "savior complex" turns out to be quite prevalent in the human species and we're designed to overcome it, taking our power back and using it for good.

I hope solutions highlighted here will help those who wish to take action:





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The Means siblings give me the creeps Lets see what happens when he gets the job. The CIA just came out about Wuhan and Covid. The ball is rolling down the hill with momentum. I have to think there are emough holes they cant plug the dyke anymore. Trump was pretty impressive in front of WEF.

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Debbie: Your are a writer and researcher, so perhaps you can make use of Mike Adams LLM called Enoch, to be released on March 1st. Mike Adams has a short video that describes what you can do with it, and research is one of it's strong points. Here is the link if you are any of your readers are interested: https://www.brighteon.com/0419e8e3-456e-4951-b8b2-80f149192429

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Thank you - I know I've been told about this before but haven't checked it out yet.

Will do so now.

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"The same malevolent forces are still at work," You can bet on that with 100% certainty.

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The root of the problem you discuss is that very few, if any, of the Kennedy fans who blindly marched into the Trump parade have any idea what the Republican Party stands for. If they had, it would have been painfully clear that none of what Kennedy wanted to do was ever going to happen because it's diametrically opposed to their agenda of total DEregulation.

Now, as both PR teams of the Corporate Uniparty are working explicitly and implicitly to find reasons to reject Kennedy from his nominated office, hundreds of people are spending money most of them likely don't have to travel to DC for yet another pointless protest, under the naive belief they have some kind of influence on the oligarchy.

Oh, and for those not old enough to remember, "Make America Great Again" was a slogan of the Reagan campaign; Trump confiscated it just like he does most of the ideas his rabid fans think he thought up himself.

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Thank you for your research and thank you for your quest for Truth. I share many of your experiences starting in March 2020 when I finished my career as a school nurse, who checked the boxes regarding vaccines and submitted my report to the PHD. I wasted many years by not educating myself in this area and it really is "Turtles all the way down." The "ABV" narrative is obvious but many/most are unable to accept the depth of this evil. My prayer is that Truth will prevail (He already has) and that folks like you will continue to find folks like me to stand against the challenges of our day. God be with you as you continue journeying on the path toward medical freedom.

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I share you concerns, but we have such a big mess in so many ways that we have do at least small directional changes with these political agents, and then WE--yes, WE--have to keep pushing towards the true endpoint. We need to act like sheperds with that hooked crosier always correcting their path. This is what we want, though. We want to be the leaders and the politicians the effectors. We are the brain, they are the hands and feet.

Often, as I get progressively more clumsy, I am frustrated and angry. My bodily effectors are degrading. But this is life. Now, since November 5th, we have political effectors that in many ways are improving. It is not a one-stroke win. We have to be in this for the long haul and we have to educate those who are going to take over for us, because this may take a couple hundred years. The enemy accepts this for their designs. They are satisfied if they can just contribute to the end goal for the time they are alive. We should be all the more courageous for our truly cause of The Good.

Also, this is not a Trump phenomenon. It is a public phenomenon. WE are the vibe change that made Trump 45, (and really Trump 46), and Trump 47 realities---not him. I thnk God for Trump and Vance and others, but we are it.

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I didn’t get red pilled re: covid mRNA high jinks during COVID. I was dragged into this world 16 years ago when my son was severely vaccine injured.

I have been watching RFK jr supporting and fighting for parents and their children ever since. Everything I have witnessed shows someone who has never wavered in this fight. Bobby Kennedy has earned my trust with his actions over those many years.

I supported his run for President, (which to anyone who was paying attention, was about much more than Fauci and covid). I support his nomination for HHS. I have been watching what has been happening as the MAHA movement attempts to bring people in against incredibly powerful, entrenched and wicked corporate and bureaucratic forces. Kennedy has always been vocal about the importance of healthy air, food and water. It is what he has been fighting for as an environmental lawyer his entire career. Emphasing that aspect of health, which few reasonable people could argue against, seems like a wise way to get the general public to begin to understand that they have been misled and manipulated for decades. The corrupt Pharma-industrial complex has conned us into accepting ubiquitous toxic exposure while simultaneously selling us high priced disease management. This combination has turned us into one of the sickest populations on the planet.

RFK didn’t begin his fight a few years ago with covid, nor have his concerns ever been restricted to vaccine safety. If talking to the public about broader health concerns helps to get more people behind his nomination, I say bring it on.

What I don’t appreciate is being told who to trust. I prefer to decide for myself, thank you. Speaking of which, I am highly suspicious of anyone who is trying to undermine RFK right before his confirmation hearings. What is your motivation, I wonder…

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well, anyone who had given the world of novel organic compounds any serious thought would have known that most of them would have a negative health effect. that some agencies and the media are finally coming to this conclusion fairly suddenly when it was mostly minimized before is a measure of how desperate they are to take the focus off covid/covid countermeasures. in many recent appearances, kennedy looks none too happy either. it is not that continued environmental insults plus over medication dont take a toll and probably have generational effects. i am 70 and have noticed a general decline in hardiness in each generation during my lifetime. but there has been a shocking decline since the whole covid debacle. it will take some superman level whistle blowing with receipts to set the record straight

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Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think.

You may be well be correct in your perceptions of the new "Maha consensus". I guess we'll know pretty soon one way or the other. For the moment though, why not just sit back and enjoy the ride.

What is the alternative?

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Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung seem to have the 'why' figured out, while Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova seem to have the 'how' figured out.

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