I like how you link all the puzzle pieces together however I believe you are missing the real purpose. Dr. David Martin talks about this as does Michael Yeadon who was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer. The so called vaccine is not a vaccine but a gene therapy bioweapon. It did produce vast amounts of wealth for many but its ulterior purpose was not financial gain but to depopulate the earth which it is effectively doing including altering the genes of four fifths of the world's population. Add a world wide program of chemtrails, chemical poisons, attacking the food supply, destroying economies, supply lines and creating anarchy; and planning to collapse the economy and institute Central Bank Digital Currencies, all to set up a One World New Order fascist government and you are hitting the bullseye!
still hoping to fastforward to the part where ALL responsible stand trial for crimes against humanity & are Hanged, although a lethal injection would be ironicaly amusing & more humane, however what they did was sinister & deserves according response
Trump backs new generation of mRNA gene therapy shots for cancer and other diseases
mRNA gene therapies are revolutionizing medicine, with artificial intelligence supporting them to create personalized cancer treatments. Now we know why Trump never backed down from the disastrous Operation Warp Speed during his first administration.
This is the Achilles heel of the whole psyop. Assuming covid was real is a faulty premise. There were court cases in both Spain and Canada where evidence of the existence of covid was subpoenaed by plaintiffs. In both cases no virus was produced as evidence. Crafty how she slipped that in
I have never seen a single person able to pierce through the veil of lies of Covid pandemic like this. IMO, your post must be closest to the truth, how it really happened.
"Dr. David E Martin - London Real With Brian Rose On A Manufactured Illusion!", available at
https://www.bitchute.com/video/NRm7AN6UK1oK where Martin explains to Rose, in part, how he was able to predict the locations across the globe where alleged SARS coronavirus outbreaks would occur if there were to be a declared SARS coronavirus "pandemic". In a later video, Martin indicated he believes the Plandemic was intentionally seeded, likely by means of an aerosol spray.
Yes..seriously. You need to don some work clothes and put that magnifying glass up to your face, if you expect to see anything. (-:
You really should take the time to watch at least Plandemic Indoctornation and Brian Rose's interview of Martin, both linked above. -- I also recommend you watch David Martin and Alex Jones - June 2024 - at https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803472303206060482 .
Martin was contracted for many years by the U.S. government to represent it at international biochemical warfare meetings. He participated in such meetings in 168 different countries. After forming his company M·CAM International, he downloaded all of the patent and research grant application and funding documents which have anything to do with coronaviruses and studied them thoroughly. For years, he's been revealing the coronavirus bioweapon reasearch funded by Fauci since at least 1998; and, has investigated earlier coronavirus research back to the 1960s.
From the getgo I recognised a psyop was happening which meant there would be no virus - because psyops are about mind control using smoke'n'mirrors propaganda not doing things for real - because then where's the mind control? They want to DUPE us into believing things, not DO THINGS FOR REAL (unless they want them for real, of course) - that's against psyop MO. They didn't want a virus, they only wanted our BELIEF in one.
I anticipated that because it was a very big psyop there would be a number of streams of propaganda directed at the anticipated disbelievers of their nonsense story in order to have the disbelievers running around chasing their tails and to obfuscate the truth as much as possible ... and sure enough as soon as I heard "Biolab" - Bingo!
Nothing that's happened since I first heard "Biolab" has given me reason to believe in any novel pathogen, whatever its origin.
You do recognise the phenomenon of "controlled opposition", right? And you know how very, very effective it is at suppressing the truth.
Mikki Willis is another controlled opposition agent. Have a laugh at his "testimony" of what he did on 9/11. No comment expresses belief of his claims and yet I don't think these are people necessarily who don't believe the 9/11 narrative, they just don't believe him.
I studied the "Plandemic" for over 12 hours a day for a year and a half to two years. I've previously viewed, read or heard all of the criticisms you've pointed to immediately above. You're stating nothing original.
My interest in doing this study comes from my undergraduate degrees in life science and zoology and my PhD in human anatomical sciences (the people who teach basic health sciences courses to first year medical students and professional allied health students), which included me taking courses in cell and tissue science and immunology.
Of course there's no SARS-Cov-2 "virus". It has never been proven to exist. Martin, Mikovits, Christine Massey, and others have clearly stated this.
Have you ever watched Prof. Francis Boyle explain on Info Wars four scientific papers which prove that the SARS coronavirus research was constructing a bioweapon to kill us. He had to do this on Info Wars, because the MSM was blackballing him. He did this explanation several times, beginning in early 2020, for over a year. Boyle and Martin were the first people to convince me of the Covid-19 depopulation bioweapon.
Have you listened to all of David Martin's explanations of Fauci's funding of coronavirus research which resulted in the patented SARS1 coronavirus bioweapon of 2003, which a few months later conveniently surfaced in China, killing many Chinese; and, DARPA then entering the funding of continuation of that research in 2005, when it realized the weaponization potential?
Do you understand that the Covid-19 mRNA jabs allegedly utilize a manmade toxic SARS coronavirus "spike protein" genetic sequence, wrapped in a toxic lipid nanoparticle envelope, which allegedly can pass through cell membranes and be transcribed into the "spike protein" to stimulate our immune system to mount a response? Do you realize that Dr. Bryan Ardis has suggested that this genetic sequence could alternately code for venom protein(s), which could likewise stimulate an immune response and that the symptoms of venom poisoning are the same as those of Covid-19, including loss of taste and smell; and that the fraudulent PCR test will return a positive result for venom protein(s)? Do you realize that thirty-something venoms were isolated from the people who died in Italy during the initial deaths of the Plandemic?
You really should cease with the "controlled opposition" BS and look at the references I gave you, so you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the Plandemic.
They did not just prepare for the pandemic — they planned it. Depopulation is entrenched in the UN’s Agenda 2030. The temple to Lucifer at the UN says it all. Geopolitics and GPPPs aside, the people behind and supporting investment in cv19 are just plain old rotten to the core wicked and evil. The battle we face is against Light vs Darkness, Good vs Evil, Grace vs Greed.
Is it the launch of greater amounts of radiation via 5G/6G and 7G satellites? Flu symptoms such as the Spanish flu arrived same time as the launch of radio frequency for sub marines. Interesting that the navy was in charge of monitoring the outbreaks. Reagan launched a program of cell towers to monitor nuclear weapons coming into the USA. Launched in a fear campaign. We’re walking around in a literal microwave turned on with all the of the “phone upgrades”.... literally.
> Regardless of the answers to these questions, the important point to remember is that if it had not been SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, it would have been a different triggering event somewhere else – and the global pandemic response would have been the same.
Pretty sure Fortress Australia's response was bio-defense too. Explains why the National pandemic preparedness plan (updated in August 2019) was abandoned. And all press conferences from March 2020, political leaders talked about a "war on the virus". And why the West was in lock-step. I remember saying at the time it was medical martial law. Debbie, how do you account for Sweden? They didn't succumb...
I used to think that - but talking to some Swedish insiders I realized that they didn’t have to do the psyop to get their entire population to take the jabs. They’re super compliant. But they did provide a control for the world- so I still give them credit for not destroying their children’s lives.
Aha. That makes sense. I read Part II on the weekend, and what you've written explains EVERYTHING. I was super suspicious from the beginning about what was going on (and lost friends because I refused to fall into line), but couldn't put my finger on why. You've confirmed what I suspected but couldn't articulate. Thank you!
I like how you link all the puzzle pieces together however I believe you are missing the real purpose. Dr. David Martin talks about this as does Michael Yeadon who was a scientific researcher and vice president at drugs giant Pfizer. The so called vaccine is not a vaccine but a gene therapy bioweapon. It did produce vast amounts of wealth for many but its ulterior purpose was not financial gain but to depopulate the earth which it is effectively doing including altering the genes of four fifths of the world's population. Add a world wide program of chemtrails, chemical poisons, attacking the food supply, destroying economies, supply lines and creating anarchy; and planning to collapse the economy and institute Central Bank Digital Currencies, all to set up a One World New Order fascist government and you are hitting the bullseye!
still hoping to fastforward to the part where ALL responsible stand trial for crimes against humanity & are Hanged, although a lethal injection would be ironicaly amusing & more humane, however what they did was sinister & deserves according response
Trump backs new generation of mRNA gene therapy shots for cancer and other diseases
mRNA gene therapies are revolutionizing medicine, with artificial intelligence supporting them to create personalized cancer treatments. Now we know why Trump never backed down from the disastrous Operation Warp Speed during his first administration.
That's an awesome recap.
They Lied. Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at
What an excellent article encapsulating it all.
Will they ever come clean about what they did during fake COVID? Article reading and commentary podcast here:
Lerman is a Jewish name
"Analysis of the body fluids of the patients was performed, and a novel coronavirus was identified."
Sorry, what? Where is the evidence for this?
This is the Achilles heel of the whole psyop. Assuming covid was real is a faulty premise. There were court cases in both Spain and Canada where evidence of the existence of covid was subpoenaed by plaintiffs. In both cases no virus was produced as evidence. Crafty how she slipped that in
It appears that the "next round" is WWIII
Brilliant, wonderful, marvelous!
I have never seen a single person able to pierce through the veil of lies of Covid pandemic like this. IMO, your post must be closest to the truth, how it really happened.
Thank you for this. I'll read Part 2 now.
Then, you must not have viewed the Mikki Willis documentary, "Plandemic Indoctornation", available at https://freedomplatform.tv/plandemic-indoctornation-world-premiere/ ; and you must not have viewed Brian Rose's interview of Dr. David Martin, titled,
"Dr. David E Martin - London Real With Brian Rose On A Manufactured Illusion!", available at
https://www.bitchute.com/video/NRm7AN6UK1oK where Martin explains to Rose, in part, how he was able to predict the locations across the globe where alleged SARS coronavirus outbreaks would occur if there were to be a declared SARS coronavirus "pandemic". In a later video, Martin indicated he believes the Plandemic was intentionally seeded, likely by means of an aerosol spray.
Seriously? He's just an agent promulgating second-tier propaganda.
Yes..seriously. You need to don some work clothes and put that magnifying glass up to your face, if you expect to see anything. (-:
You really should take the time to watch at least Plandemic Indoctornation and Brian Rose's interview of Martin, both linked above. -- I also recommend you watch David Martin and Alex Jones - June 2024 - at https://x.com/RealAlexJones/status/1803472303206060482 .
Martin was contracted for many years by the U.S. government to represent it at international biochemical warfare meetings. He participated in such meetings in 168 different countries. After forming his company M·CAM International, he downloaded all of the patent and research grant application and funding documents which have anything to do with coronaviruses and studied them thoroughly. For years, he's been revealing the coronavirus bioweapon reasearch funded by Fauci since at least 1998; and, has investigated earlier coronavirus research back to the 1960s.
From the getgo I recognised a psyop was happening which meant there would be no virus - because psyops are about mind control using smoke'n'mirrors propaganda not doing things for real - because then where's the mind control? They want to DUPE us into believing things, not DO THINGS FOR REAL (unless they want them for real, of course) - that's against psyop MO. They didn't want a virus, they only wanted our BELIEF in one.
I anticipated that because it was a very big psyop there would be a number of streams of propaganda directed at the anticipated disbelievers of their nonsense story in order to have the disbelievers running around chasing their tails and to obfuscate the truth as much as possible ... and sure enough as soon as I heard "Biolab" - Bingo!
Nothing that's happened since I first heard "Biolab" has given me reason to believe in any novel pathogen, whatever its origin.
You do recognise the phenomenon of "controlled opposition", right? And you know how very, very effective it is at suppressing the truth.
Mikki Willis is another controlled opposition agent. Have a laugh at his "testimony" of what he did on 9/11. No comment expresses belief of his claims and yet I don't think these are people necessarily who don't believe the 9/11 narrative, they just don't believe him.
Thank your for your reply.
I studied the "Plandemic" for over 12 hours a day for a year and a half to two years. I've previously viewed, read or heard all of the criticisms you've pointed to immediately above. You're stating nothing original.
My interest in doing this study comes from my undergraduate degrees in life science and zoology and my PhD in human anatomical sciences (the people who teach basic health sciences courses to first year medical students and professional allied health students), which included me taking courses in cell and tissue science and immunology.
Of course there's no SARS-Cov-2 "virus". It has never been proven to exist. Martin, Mikovits, Christine Massey, and others have clearly stated this.
Have you ever watched Prof. Francis Boyle explain on Info Wars four scientific papers which prove that the SARS coronavirus research was constructing a bioweapon to kill us. He had to do this on Info Wars, because the MSM was blackballing him. He did this explanation several times, beginning in early 2020, for over a year. Boyle and Martin were the first people to convince me of the Covid-19 depopulation bioweapon.
Have you listened to all of David Martin's explanations of Fauci's funding of coronavirus research which resulted in the patented SARS1 coronavirus bioweapon of 2003, which a few months later conveniently surfaced in China, killing many Chinese; and, DARPA then entering the funding of continuation of that research in 2005, when it realized the weaponization potential?
Do you understand that the Covid-19 mRNA jabs allegedly utilize a manmade toxic SARS coronavirus "spike protein" genetic sequence, wrapped in a toxic lipid nanoparticle envelope, which allegedly can pass through cell membranes and be transcribed into the "spike protein" to stimulate our immune system to mount a response? Do you realize that Dr. Bryan Ardis has suggested that this genetic sequence could alternately code for venom protein(s), which could likewise stimulate an immune response and that the symptoms of venom poisoning are the same as those of Covid-19, including loss of taste and smell; and that the fraudulent PCR test will return a positive result for venom protein(s)? Do you realize that thirty-something venoms were isolated from the people who died in Italy during the initial deaths of the Plandemic?
You really should cease with the "controlled opposition" BS and look at the references I gave you, so you have at least a rudimentary understanding of the Plandemic.
You are right on and satan is putting the pieces in place for his last hoorah..the antichrist one world dictator!
gee you've got a nerve, telling the truth an' all...need any bodyguards? i'll work for free
They did not just prepare for the pandemic — they planned it. Depopulation is entrenched in the UN’s Agenda 2030. The temple to Lucifer at the UN says it all. Geopolitics and GPPPs aside, the people behind and supporting investment in cv19 are just plain old rotten to the core wicked and evil. The battle we face is against Light vs Darkness, Good vs Evil, Grace vs Greed.
Is it the launch of greater amounts of radiation via 5G/6G and 7G satellites? Flu symptoms such as the Spanish flu arrived same time as the launch of radio frequency for sub marines. Interesting that the navy was in charge of monitoring the outbreaks. Reagan launched a program of cell towers to monitor nuclear weapons coming into the USA. Launched in a fear campaign. We’re walking around in a literal microwave turned on with all the of the “phone upgrades”.... literally.
Systems thinking on display above. Well done.
> Regardless of the answers to these questions, the important point to remember is that if it had not been SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, it would have been a different triggering event somewhere else – and the global pandemic response would have been the same.
It was a "solution" in need of a problem.
Yeah no psyop could be more Problem > Reaction > Solution than covid.
Glad to see this. (Just wondering, have you seen Paula Jardine's work?)
Yes! We've discussed the UK response extensively, and I love her work on Covid. I based this article partly on her work:
Pretty sure Fortress Australia's response was bio-defense too. Explains why the National pandemic preparedness plan (updated in August 2019) was abandoned. And all press conferences from March 2020, political leaders talked about a "war on the virus". And why the West was in lock-step. I remember saying at the time it was medical martial law. Debbie, how do you account for Sweden? They didn't succumb...
I used to think that - but talking to some Swedish insiders I realized that they didn’t have to do the psyop to get their entire population to take the jabs. They’re super compliant. But they did provide a control for the world- so I still give them credit for not destroying their children’s lives.
Aha. That makes sense. I read Part II on the weekend, and what you've written explains EVERYTHING. I was super suspicious from the beginning about what was going on (and lost friends because I refused to fall into line), but couldn't put my finger on why. You've confirmed what I suspected but couldn't articulate. Thank you!
Thank you for this, I'd missed your article!