It appears that the "next round" is WWIII

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Debbie Lerman

Brilliant, wonderful, marvelous!

I have never seen a single person able to pierce through the veil of lies of Covid pandemic like this. IMO, your post must be closest to the truth, how it really happened.

Thank you for this. I'll read Part 2 now.

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Sep 15Liked by Debbie Lerman

gee you've got a nerve, telling the truth an' all...need any bodyguards? i'll work for free

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They did not just prepare for the pandemic — they planned it. Depopulation is entrenched in the UN’s Agenda 2030. The temple to Lucifer at the UN says it all. Geopolitics and GPPPs aside, the people behind and supporting investment in cv19 are just plain old rotten to the core wicked and evil. The battle we face is against Light vs Darkness, Good vs Evil, Grace vs Greed.

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Is it the launch of greater amounts of radiation via 5G/6G and 7G satellites? Flu symptoms such as the Spanish flu arrived same time as the launch of radio frequency for sub marines. Interesting that the navy was in charge of monitoring the outbreaks. Reagan launched a program of cell towers to monitor nuclear weapons coming into the USA. Launched in a fear campaign. We’re walking around in a literal microwave turned on with all the of the “phone upgrades”.... literally.

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Systems thinking on display above. Well done.

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> Regardless of the answers to these questions, the important point to remember is that if it had not been SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, it would have been a different triggering event somewhere else – and the global pandemic response would have been the same.

It was a "solution" in need of a problem.

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Glad to see this. (Just wondering, have you seen Paula Jardine's work?)

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Yes! We've discussed the UK response extensively, and I love her work on Covid. I based this article partly on her work:


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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Debbie Lerman

Pretty sure Fortress Australia's response was bio-defense too. Explains why the National pandemic preparedness plan (updated in August 2019) was abandoned. And all press conferences from March 2020, political leaders talked about a "war on the virus". And why the West was in lock-step. I remember saying at the time it was medical martial law. Debbie, how do you account for Sweden? They didn't succumb...

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I used to think that - but talking to some Swedish insiders I realized that they didn’t have to do the psyop to get their entire population to take the jabs. They’re super compliant. But they did provide a control for the world- so I still give them credit for not destroying their children’s lives.

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Aha. That makes sense. I read Part II on the weekend, and what you've written explains EVERYTHING. I was super suspicious from the beginning about what was going on (and lost friends because I refused to fall into line), but couldn't put my finger on why. You've confirmed what I suspected but couldn't articulate. Thank you!

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Thank you for this, I'd missed your article!

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Sep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman

It would appear that your take supports Eric Weinstein’s and Mike Benz’s views that what we’re seeing is one part of the International Rules Based Order as Weinstein defined it on Chris Williamson’s podcast last week. The picture emerging is getting clearer now, so as you said to Sasha, we can be prepared. Understanding this blob of interlocking powerful interests will also help in its dismantling.

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Is "dismantling" possible? If so, I'd like to know the plan. When Martial Law is declared due to the next global threat (can you say WWIII?), militaries are deployed inward, most nation's citizenry have been disarmed, not that AR 15s would stop tanks.

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Sep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman

I echo the accolades above…excellent article!

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Sep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman

Debbie, Brilliant! Cannot wait for the second chapter.

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Debbie, excellent article. You call it "inevitable" pandemic - it was only inevitable because, as you point out, the GPPP has invested trillions into it happening. However, pandemics do not happen and cannot happen even by "bioengineered" viruses. There are extremely well understood scientific barriers to making viruses that can cause pandemics, and it is well described in both, the science and "biosecurity" literature. I am working on a couple of articles on this, but even Ralph Baric himself clearly explained that it is not possible to do. He stated in a 2005 paper on this topic that the best use of the existing technologies is "MAKING GOVERNMENTS ACT in concert, in predictable, pre-programmed ways", i.e. to cause global panic and capitalize on mass hysteria and "pandemic response measures". The main scientific barriers (not solved, and not close to being solved) are - 1)nobody understands DNA and genes, despite what they tell you; 2)PCR is error prone and cannot determine sequences accurately; 3)if you can't produce a 100% accurate sequence you can't produce any virus, and since (2), there is no method to make anything accurate; 4) nobody solved the protein folding, and there is not enough computing power in the universe to solve it, and no, AI won't solve it either. So there is no way to make viruses, and everyone who is competent even mid-level in this area, especially inside military/security apparatus knows this. So I completely agree with your writing, but there was absolutely no way that this was a spontaneous mistake. It was the "investors" getting their "return" from the GPPP investment, with intentional killing of millions of people, or depraved indifference and complicity in mass murder.

Regarding your question on what was covid - probably several kinds of poisons in several formulations - aerosolized, consumable, and very likely that at least in some areas in the fall of 2019 they distributed anaphylactizing agents in flu shots and other vaccines, so that some % of the population would be sensitized to what was subsequently distributed in other forms.

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Sep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman

There was a geopolitical component that should be considered. The timing of the Covid Plandemic was aligned with the 2020 Presidential election. Mail in ballots led to an insecure election, that resulted in the GPPP’s Regime taking power. Coincidence? Probably not. The Complex described in this excellent article, also includes tentacles that influenced National, State and Local Governments to act in a synchronized fashion.

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Sep 10Liked by Debbie Lerman

Also the Hong Kong protests and reverse repo crisis were magically resolved with “Covid”

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thanks Sasha! I think we agree that the "pandemic" would have happened regardless of the ability of scientists to modify viruses, or the ability of viruses to cause waves of disease. The important point to realize is that the whole thing was, as you say, not a spontaneous mistake but the inevitable result of the rise of the biodefense GPPP and all its affiliates and overlapping global cartels. It's a metastasizing blob that is consuming increasing portions of the world's resources and that is what I'm trying to focus on. The next "global crisis" is also inevitable, so we need to be prepared and get as many people as possible to realize what's going on!

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Right. This global blob needs to eat. Or starve. But it will not die without a fight. And by the way, many nice people in your neighborhoods are eating us. These are not only insulated billionaires in nice homes in Switzerland. They are your friends and relatives.

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So true!

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Sep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman

Sublime analysis here! 🙌

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Thanks Toby - that means a lot coming from you!

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deletedSep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman
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Sep 10Liked by Debbie Lerman

The idea that Covid in itself was a deadly disease has been thoroughly refuted by the now readily available all found mortality rates in 2020, prior to the 2021 release of ‘gene therapy injectables’ on the population. The 2020 numbers utterly fail to corroborate the existence of a pandemic. EVEN THOUGH a large GPPP psy-op unfolded immediately in spring of 2020, muddying the mortality numbers by a distorted definition of ‘died w i t h Covid’ vs f r o m Covid, which shifted normal death categories, such as heart attacks, highway accidents and old age into a fake case-demic by misuse of a laboratory tool falsely peddled as a diagnostic test. To the extent that even the flu disappeared from sight that year. There was a rise in drug deaths, hospital deaths and suicides related to depression, as a result of lockdown and isolation measures. For those who care to look back, it is now blatantly evident that ‘excess deaths’ were faked, until deaths did skyrocket in 2021, AFTER global mass injection of the largely untested ‘biodefense measures’. We now know that hospitals were incentivized by the tens of thousands of $$$ for each patient drugged with Midazolam, Remdesivir and placed in a state of DNR, refused food and water, intubated and stuck on respirators until they perished. Fauci owned Remdesivir had failed its safety trials for kidney damage and still ended up on the one and only protocol forced onto the population while causing death and destruction. The masks are not, and never were capable of protecting from airborne pathogens, especially as small as a purported virus. This mind-twisting psyop game is finally over and never could stand the test of proper science.

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Thanks so much for the detailed comment! I agree that all the mortality statistics were hopelessly manipulated and that the hospital protocols caused more deaths than the virus - especially in people who were below average mortality age. My main point is that it doesn’t actually matter: the response would have been the same no matter how deadly or non deadly the virus was - even if it was just a flu variant that they latched onto.

Also i unfortunately do not think the psyop game is o er - far from it. Most of the world is primed to be good soldiers in the next global emergency.

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Sep 10Liked by Debbie Lerman

I am in complete agreement with your excellent post, Debbie. They needed a vehicle, and there would never be one, not in a pandemic way, so they had to invent one. My response was to David Grenier, who either can’t see his way around the Covid psyop, or thinks of the public in two digit IQ sets. Which seems to be a bureaucratic prerequisite. A great number of people indeed find their way around obstacles - by their own common sense. After 5 years of gaslighting, the mask nonsense is more than frayed. No, the psyop certainly isn’t over, GPPP parasites keep trying, despite having to twist both science and common sense into a knot. However, my point is that a great many people have caught on to being pandemic and jab gaslit, which can be seen from the much declined ‘boosters’ we were supposed to line up for. So the next round will play out different.

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deletedSep 10
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Common sense, an inquisitive mind and a look down history lane is most of what’s needed to keep a perspective on who is lying - and why, David.

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deletedSep 9
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Interesting take. I read on your Substack: "Between 1999 and 2003, I directed all DoD Chem-Bio Defense Information Systems efforts and created the programmatic architecture for all future work in this area." so maybe you're one of them?

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deletedSep 9Liked by Debbie Lerman
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Sep 10Liked by Debbie Lerman

I'm a bodyworker and I work with on structure of the human body, including organs and the nervous system. I've never seen so many strange ailments coming in my door as I have since the mRNA injectables were rolled out. One repeated ailment that my injected clients have developed is gastroparesis. One of these clients is actually an administrator at our local hospital. He was very proud of how he handled Covid because he is convinced that he saved lives by utilizing remdesivir and vents. He was very proud that he had taken every shot up to that point. He was up to date. His face completely changed from enthusiasm to confusion and despair when my questioning lead him to realize that the gastroparesis started after his first shot. When I told him that he's not the first, he was sorry he took the shot and never received another. So, he's my example of someone thinking they were helping but were actually harming people. My brother is a nurse and showed me a pile of charts where the protocols killed people, not the virus. No one would listen to him. He worked 100% at home but his boss still mandated the jab. He quit rather than take it. Some saw through the BS and others did not.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10

But we plainly see the footprints in the mud now looking back. The figures are in. To say no-one walked here before and there is nothing to see is …. ??? I’ll leave it to your fantasy, but the information is now out of the bag if you want to see what happened. People had several motives for participation in a lie. And money, ego and lack of ethical values are on the forefront. Like doctors and nurses dancing in empty hospitals to spell off boredom. Bureaucratic systems cueing into their grinding, obedient gears. It’s all there in plain sight. It’s high time to take off those rosy glasses and/or re-evaluate personal drivers.

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deletedSep 10
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Time is up. We had enough of scientism doublespeak gibberish and fog trailing. You’re living up to your Bio. Yes, good luck to you. The psy game is over.

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