Has everyone seen Jeffery Sacks speech at the Munich Security Conference?

US foreign policy for the last thirty years. The truth.

Short version with transcript.


Long version with transcript.


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Hi Debbie, don’t know if you’ve seen this article by Nick Hunt regarding the UK approval of the Covid Vaccines but it’s worth a read. I’d be interested in your take on it. https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/19/blame-game-begins-as-mhra-passes-the-buck-all-the-covid-vaccine-authorisation-decisions-were-taken-by-the-government-minister/

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Thanks for this video! Just a quick comment to encourage those in the midst of legally battling the Military/Big Pharma C-19 "Borg." At the end Debbie said that because of the Prep Act both Pharmaceutical and other "companies" can't be sued for their actions during Covid. However there have been a number of successful lawsuits over the vaccine mandate, such as the $6 million won by the San Francisco BART transit workers as well as a former Blue Shield worker who won $12.7 million because her religious exemption for declining the jab.was declined. There are judges and juries out there who get it. Find an attorney willing to take the case is another story....

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I have recommended your work to several people in my community in the Bay Area, thanks very much for exposing the Means' , it hurt to know I had been so fooled, but an important eye opener. It inspired me to start writing again today, focusing on the Avian Flu issue. Cheers!

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Covid was an animal vaccine:


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Brilliant information and detail!

Sasha and Debbie, Thank you for your great work and dedication in exposing this, please take care of yourselves.

I’ll never forget when I heard our government announce on the TV that Ireland was going into lockdown in March 2020, My first thoughts were, ‘It is Mass Corruption!’ The lockdown would finish off businesses that were struggling to survive since the 2008 recession.

When I saw Pascal Soriot on Sky news in April 2020 with business journalist Ian King, stating that Astra Zeneka would have a vaccine in the arms of the UK population by November 2020, I was like, ‘They want to mandate vaccines for everyone, and I knew that they must be toxic and I knew that the human race was under attack.’

I began straight away to alert people to this Mass Corruption. I needed to try and protect my children from the greatest lie ever told.

It was the most terrifying time.

I have never stopped praying since.

These people in positions of authority doing this to innocent people are Evil most high.

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Is there a PDF Version available?

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Thanks to Sasha and Debbie for memorializing and chronicling this massive crime. Future historians and investigative journalists, as well as future generations, will remain forever in your debt.

You have done a great service for humanity in the pursuit of truth.

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I have just reposted my German translation of your and Sacha's significant joint work in a German language version. I hope this can help spread your message which many more people need to hear. https://open.substack.com/pub/howard366646/p/the-covid-dossier-das-covid-dossier

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Great Interview, fellas.

Most certainly in Australia, but I presume elsewhere, the government claimed the Australian Constitution was suspended under an emergency order. As is axiomatic under international law, no national constitution can be suspended... for any reason. That is the entire purpose of a Constitution; the ultimate backstop for citizens' rights. A national constitution can be either amended or terminated, either way, by the authority endowed by national referendum but it cannot be suspended. This is probably the easiest avenue for public challenge because once spelled out to the community the logic immediately assumes unassailable qualities. The globalists were aware of this decades before the scamdemic was launched, which is why David Rockefeller appointed Rupert Murdoch as global media mogul way back in 1973, the same year he ( via Zbigniew Brzezinski) established the centralised bureaucracy of the Trilateral Commission with which to coordinate emergence of Climate Crisis, digital ID, AI, BIS takeover, and military lines of communication. Murdoch actually assumed full control in March 2017. Having said that, the globalists believed they had closed off that avenue (ie constitutional challenge) many decades prior by taking over the Law Society in each nation which, incidentally, is why no national constitution contains the word 'democracy'. ie they own the judiciary. I believe this blocking measure can be circumvented and, when successful, in Australia, government is then in violation of Constitutional Section 51: xxiii. Concomitantly, it is breeching the Privacy Act (1988) and the Police Offences Act (1914). The key to success is monitoring the death rates of children because, when these rise significantly, working class parents will riot, creating a dual front that government is not equipped to cope with. For more... SUBSTACK oziz4oziz and Austraalia Fights Back (URL oziz4oziz.com/) articles: 'How Australia was Globalised' and 'The Autism Controversy'.

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Everything so many of us felt - or knew - from the very beginning back in 2020 was part of the grand scheme (as in contrived fakery) of things is in here. Thank you for the tremendous effort in compiling this and getting it out.

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Incredible work. I'm writing a post about it now. It's all so mind blowing, it's difficult to react properly. This must be just one of the inherent diabolical features of it all.

It all emanated from the photo-model of "HIV/AIDS" which was essentially money laundering and nation plundering on an unimaginable scale.

Peter Duesberg was the one who told me repeatedly in the 1990s that HHS, NIH, CDC, etc were military organizations.

The Surgeon GENERAL.

On Oprah Winfrey show.

ALL the time. CDC officials in full uniform on TV, ALL the time.

Not hidden at all.

And yet still—it was a blind spot for most.

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Debbie, are you familiar with this CDC document?

Interim Pre-pandemic Planning Guidance:

Community Strategy for Pandemic Influenza Mitigation in the United States

- Early, Targeted, Layered Use of Nonpharmaceutical Interventions

CDC, February, 2007


This CDC document from 2007 declares that the seasonal flu is a Pandemic Severity Level 1.

Do you see what this means in relation to what you and Sasha are saying about how pandemics are declared, what is a pandemic, what the definition of pandemic is? Seasonal Influenza *IS* considered a pandemic! Level 1. This means every single year prior to 2020 we endured pandemics. Nothing new. Not requiring any new intervention. Even what the CDC said was a Level 5 pandemic, Spanish Flu level, didn't call for any of the pandemic response. This isn't to say the military coordination aspect is null and void. This information further strengthens your contention that it was so out of protocol that it could only be justified by military intervention.

I'll have you note that this guide you will find on the CDC website has been revised and updated. Probably many times since 2007. I noticed the revisions between when I first read it in early 2020 and when I read it again in September, 2020. The masking area had been edited. I wished I had saved the version prior to September, 2020. But because I knew it had been revised I decided to download that version in the event it was revised again. And it was!! By June, 2022 it had been revised. Again!

The most noticeable revisions that jumped out at me were the visualizations. Where the recommended interventions for the most severe pandemic levels were blanked out. Why would they blank out visualizations on an archived CDC guidance document? Here they are saved side by side:

Pandemic Severity Index by Epidemiological Characteristics


Summary of Community Mitigation Strategies by Pandemic Severity


I suspect it has something to do with studies of pandemic "skeptics" like this January, 2021 study about how effective "skeptics" are at using data visualizations:

Viral Visualizations: How Coronavirus Skeptics Use Orthodox

Data Practices to Promote Unorthodox Science Online

MIT, January, 2021


So this comment I'm making shows that the CDC says we go through a Level 1 Pandemic every single flu season, the word pandemic wasn't considered a major concern. And that the CDC was going back and editing and revising prior pandemic guidance documents, and who knows what else. Interesting?

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Book THE FINAL PANDEMIC. Dr mark and samantha BAILEY. Read it.

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hi folks check out and read carefully a petition at citizengo.org....say no to the who,s health dictatorship-reject the pandemic treaty..be aware its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world..also be aware citizengo.org are an independent organisation which simply means that no government can interfere with censor or suppress this petition FACT...be aware our main weapon so to speak os e mails as they cant be censored or suppressed FACT ..so in closing be sure to sign it and reshare it widely worldwide with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as im asking you in this message

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For the UK, also see this: apparently 16/3/2020 (I haven't verified that date):


What England's CMO is saying here doesn't really add up (given what we now know happened next).

Note how he says, at this very early stage, it will "have to be a prolonged period", while completely downplaying the 'disease'. Why will it 'have to be'? Who decided that? because it doesn't look like he did. This suggests long term planning had already been put in place that had nothing to do with 'the science'.

Note how his stance completely changed within a few weeks, and he fully signed up to the extreme fear propaganda campaign that enabled the 'Covid' tyranny.

Note also that he was later rewarded with a knighthood (a ridiculous establishment bauble that some in the UK prize greatly).

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